Chapter 4 - Questions and Lies

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Lucy's Pov:

Today's Friday and I still can't get my head around what happened on Wednesday.  Alex held such power in her voice when talking to Britney and she didnt even seem scared when my Dad was shouting at her, it even made me nervous.  But then all of yesterday and today so far, she randomly stuttered and speaks in hushed whispers to everyone that wasn't me. I also don't understand why such a young she-wolf is a rogue, she doesnt seem like she could betray her pack or anything that could be the reason for banishment. She is one big mystery. She even lets people call her names and trip her up. But if someone goes to open there mouth to say something about me she gives them a looks which could freeze fire.

She hasn't mentioned anything about it so far, so I guess I am gonna need to ask some questions to get some answers. I think I will talk to her at lunch.


Alex's Pov:

4th period has just finished and I am making my towards a bench just behind the school as Lucy asked me to meet her there as she wanted to talk to me about something.  I have no idea what it might be about, she hasn't given any clues so far. I just hope it has nothing to do with me and her brother.  I have done a good job at avoiding him for the rest of the week so she couldn't possibly need to mention him. I just hope its nothing bad.

As I rounded a few more bends, my destination finally came into view and there Lucy was sitting on the bench. Looking around, she caught sight of me and beckoned me over. I obliged and sat next to her and with pleasantries over with she blurted out about 20 questions at the speed of 100 miles an hour.
"Woah, slow down. One at a time." "Okay, here I go. You know what happend on Wednesday with Britney. " "Yeah why?" "Well, she is the Betas daughter and one of the strongest female wolves in our pack." "Okay... but what does that have to do with anything?" "The point is how did you manage to rip her off me with ease and practically scare her into submission with just a few words?" Shit, how am I supposed to answer that... sky. 'Sorry but your on your own with this, good luck'. Thanks a lot. Umm, I guess this will have to do "It was probably the fact she got caught hurting you and the chances our she was instinctively scared as she would be in major trouble if your Dad found out, with being the previous Alpha."

"Yeah, but if she was that scared she wouldn't have done it in the first place." "Well, she may have thought if anyone did see she could force them to comply as she is fairly high up and has power."

"Okay, but that doesn't explain why you let people bully you, when you are perfectly capable of putting them in there place."  This question I can answer with half truth. "I didnt want to attract attention to myself and I don't really care to be honest." "Last question for now. "Why are you so protective over me, you have only known me for a few days?"  Maybe its because I am mates with your brother so I am protective because you're  like a sister to me.

"I don't know, I guess I think of you as a sister." Thats sort of the truth right? "Oh well, I think I have asked everything for now. Sorry about that." "Its fine. I have to go do something see you in class." "Okay, bye." "Bye." And with that I went into the school and let at a sigh of relief. That was close. 'Damn right it was ,you, my human need to be more careful'.  Excuse me you could have said something so don't you dare go there.


Authors Note:

Sorry for the short chapter, this was more of a filler chapter than a proper one. The next one will be much longer.

- Spongeboblaugh

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