Chapter 21 - Becoming Luna

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Lucy's P.O.V:

They should be back by now, what is taking them so long. I'm still confused at why Ryan ran out of the house this morning, he seemed so frantic to get somewhere, my guess is to Alex. I haven't found my mate yet so I don't know how he is feeling, being apart from his mate at night.

I've been trying to establish a mind link between us but it keeps failing, he knows, they both know that they should be back by now. Alex still needs to get dressed sand the ceremony will begin in just over 2 hours. I am not risking anything, I haven't been wanting my friend to join the pack for a long time. The fact she's joining as Luna only makes it more important, nothing can go wrong.

Especially the Alpha and Luna themselves not turning up.

I finally manage to get through to him, not letting him explain himself I rant at him 'Where are you two, hurry up. I don't care about your explanation just get here now!' He tries to get a word in but I don't allow him, he can explain himself later, what matters right now is that they get back in time.

Just 5 minutes later and I hear them enter the house, I jump up off of the couch which I was seated on and race towards the door. They are trying to sneak up the stairs but I catch them, "Where do you think you are going?"

They freeze knowing they have been caught, they slowly come down, they try and give me the puppy eyes but it doesn't work on me. It's so hard not to laugh, their faces were hilarious. Alex looks up and says "Will you forgive us for not being back on time?"

I pretend to contemplate her answer before saying "Of course, as long as you both get ready on the double, we don't have time to waist. Unless you want to be late?"

They look at each other, nod and set off. Ryan leaving to go and put his tux on and take his place. The ceremony normally goes like this, a meal with the entire pack, everyone brings food. Tables set out in our backyard, the forest, or blankets. A massive picnic basically, to introduce everyone to their new Alpha or Luna.

Then when nightfall hits the joining ritual takes place, this happens with every new member. Anyone from the Pack can watch this but it is not mandatory, just as the rest of it is. Really, the only people that have to be their is the person joining and the Alpha or leader that will join them.

However, as it is rare to get a new member, especially Luna, most of the Pack will attend in order to meet Alex.

I come out of my thoughts by Ales asking me what she needs to do. I reply with "Not much, first of all though we need to get you ready. Follow me."


Alex's P.O.V:

I follow her, a million thoughts rushing through my head, but I do my best to ignore them and enjoy this once in a lifetime experiement. She does my makeup, simple yet elegant and then I follow Lucy towards her bedroom, on the bed I see an ethereal dress, it is flawless. I stare, my jaw wanting to fall to the floor.

She laughs at the stunned look on my face "I'll take that as, you like it."
"No, I don't like it. I love it." My face lights up like a child on Christmas morning. I have a grin that splits my face, I am so excited. I just stand there, reaching out towards the dress but never touching it. I want to wear it but yet I'm scared it will disappear if I touch it.

"Go on, we don't have all day. Get changed, it should fit." She hands me the silk dress and I go into the connecting bathroom and change into the beautiful outfit. I slip on the the comfortable shoes, with only small heels, that compliment the dress perfectly. I take a look at myself in the full length bathroom mirror.

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