Chapter 24 - Confessions and Cures

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Alex's P.O.V:

It's been just over a week since that day. The wound is still fresh for many and others almost healed, but we all wonder where Kevin is and the state he is in. The dreaded of them all - dead. Ryan is blaming the situation on himself, he believes he could have gone after Lucy by himself and then Kevin wouldn't have been there. I having been trying to convince him otherwise but it's been proving difficult. I'm not fairing not much better myself, sleepless nights, not only due to Kevin but the voice. I have been working not stop in the days, sometimes having to miss school to hold pack meetings. Fortunately, it's the holidays and afterwards I'll be only one term away from graduation.

We have been doing some research into what caused him to have that reaction as well as the location of that Roxy. We believe she and her mate are behind the recent attacks, maybe the leader of the hideout. The blood test we did some days ago should be ready to collect, see if we can find anything abnormal in his system. Then we can find a cure, or a way to prevent this from happening to anyone else.

Why bother with a cure, unless you think you can cure yourself. We both know that's impossible.

I want to disagree but it's right, there is no cure for us. Once you are infected, that's it. I know it, I can feel it. Maybe he felt it too? Maybe that's why he left... he knew he would have to live with it for the rest of his life. I shiver at the thought of never being able to find true peace. It's currently sun rise, I'm watching the golden rays creep there way over the horizon from mine and Ryans bedroom window. He's sleeping peacefully, only slightly stirring. Probably because he can sense my discomfort, I crawl back into bed and snuggle against his bare chest.

The only place I truly feel safe. The voice always hisses at his name, knowing that he gives me strength. A temporary peace I will bathe in while it lasts, I fall asleep, slowly and then all at once. Similarly to how I feel in love with his man next to me.
It's not the first time I've thought about this - my love for him that is. I feel as though I'm rushing ahead of him... but, I can't help it. No one has been there for me in years and along then they came along, he has been so caring and stood by my side. He even protected me before he found out we were mates, which I found to be a huge shock, maybe he sensed it. A special connection between us, I haven't bothered to ask.

I sleep only for a few hours, when I stir I instantly notice the missing prescence and warmth of Ryan. I grogily get out of bed, rub the sleep put of my eyes and make my way downstairs.


We were now waiting patiently for the arrival of the best witch within a thousand miles. A few days ago we had requested her to visit us because of an urgent matter, the messenger was given few details to inform the witch, but enough to intrigue her. Her name is Helena, one of the best witches to ever live, if she can't figure out a cure, no one will be able to.

I have been told she is one for tricks and that I should be prepared. They were right, she appeared out of thin air only a couple of meters away and went "boo". I only just managed to keep a straight face and not screech like a little girl in shock.
Ryan merely rolled his eyes at her antics, it was clearly not the first time the two had met.

"Hello Alpha Ryan," She turned she eyes on me, "and you must be Luna Alex."
"Yes, that is me. It's a pleasure to meet you."
We then showed her inside and headed up to our office. We all took a seat st the table and began to discuss the events of last week. Once we had relayed it, Helena asked us some questions.

"Explain to me, what was it that happened to him again?" I answered this question, "A woman named Roxy planted this voice in his head that tried to convince him to commit suicide."
She seemed confused at my answer and it mad me anxious, hadn't she heard of something like this before.
"Are you sure it wasn't his wolf? It's highly unlikely but he didn't have a mate so maybe his wolf turned on him."
I quickly replied with a short, sharp "No!"
This startled her and she narrowed her eyes at me accusingly, Helena knew I was hiding something.

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