Chapter 13 - The Hideout

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I would just like to say, thank you so much for all of the supportive comments. They mean a lot to me. ♡

Alex's Pov :

It has been 2 months since I first arrived at The Blood Cross pack. Fortunately, there hasn't been any more rogue attacks but that only makes me think they are planning something, big.

I haven't shifted in a while so I might as well ask Lucy to join me, I haven't seen her wolf before so I think we might enjoy it. Today is a Tuesday so I don't have to worry about work.

I make it to school with about 10 minutes to spare. I can see Lucy and Ryan, that makes a change against my locker. I wonder why. After we had finished are project we rarely talked. When I approached them I said "Hi Lucy, Ryan. Have you got anything you need to tell me?"

Ryan did seem a bit more alert and tense than usual, they both were mind linking. Probably to discuss whether to tell me the news or not. "You can trust me you know. I might be able to help." Yeah with my amazing superpowers. Finally Ryan opened his mouth to talk
"That rogue we captured a few weeks ago after the sourcerer vanished, has escaped."

I couldn't hold it in "What I- I mean he handed him to you on a silver dish, how could he get away?"
I had to close my eyes for a moment to make sure they didn't randomly turn black. When I opened them he said "Don't worry, we will be able to catch him. He is only one rogue." Yeah right rogues can pratticly turn invisible if they want to.
"When did escape?" "A few hours ago, as far as I am aware he wasn't in any shape to run." I might be able to catch him. I hone into his pacific scent and I can smell it but only faintly. I will have to leave now though.

"Oh, now that I think about it do you two want to go on a run with me after school as there hasn't been any rogues in a while. Also if anything happend you could protect us?"
Ryan thought about it then spoke "Okay, I haven't been on a run just for fun in ages." Now Lucy replied with "Sure, why not." Okay now that is done I need to think of an excuse to go. "I need the toilet so see you guys later, bye."
"Okay, don't forget to come at 4:30 to the pack house. We will be waiting. " I nodded my head and then I was off.


As soon as I had crossed the border I shifted into my white wolf and sprinted towards the scent. After a few minutes, when I knew I was a safe distance away, I shifted into my black wolf and took off at full speed. 10 minutes later his scent became stronger but it now wasn't only his presence I could sense. There was about a 10000 or more rogues I could smell hear, just up ahead. Now I know where I am....

The Hideout.

I have only heard rumours about it before now, it is the home to a mass amount of rogues, all under the the Rogue Kings command. So this is the group that wants me dead along with many other things. For once I am thankful I am a rogue. I should blend right in.

I round the corner and come to the clearing, there are tents all over the place, allowing them to move if necessary. I won't be able to get Mr Coward back now. 'Sky do you think you could remember the route to get here?'
'Yep, why?' 'I think Ryan would like to see what he is up against.' 'Good idea Alex.' Since I knew what I needed to know I blocked her for now.

I need to get out of here before they spot me, my scent may seem familiar as it is the scent of a rogue but my size might be a bit different from your average rouge.

I full on sprinted out of there, because of how much I was concentrating I almost forgetting I was still in my black wolf but managed to shift into my pearl white wolf before anyone saw me. I ran towards the school and as soon as I was reaching the end of the forest I changed back and dashed into the school.

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