Chapter 20 - The Voices

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As you may have noticed I have changed the cover of my book, It took a bit of time to do the collage and stuff but I am very happy I did it. What do you guys think?

Ryan's P.O.V:

What just happend?! I wake up from that dream, vision , at midday, going over and over what the Moon Goddess said to me and Alex. I still don't understand what she meant by Alex having a dark side, I know everyone has a so called dark side. She made it seem serious though, I need to talk to her before the ceremony tonight, if that's still going to happen.
'It is, this changes nothing. In fact it means we need to do it now more than ever, we have to be united if we have a threat coming for us.'
You're right Jay, I don't know what I was thinking. I still need to have a talk with Alex though, if something is the matter she shouldn't have to go through it alone.

I get out of bed and quickly get changed, I rush out of the house, leaving my parents calling after me, wondering what was the matter. I hide behind a tree and strip down, stuffing my clothes into a bag and shift. I run towards her hideout, hoping I won't have to climb those walls again. When I see it I let out a breath of relief, she did demolish them. At least that makes things a whole lot easier.

As I get closer I see her sat on the ledge of the waterfall, just in her own world thinking. She looks magnificent, her beauty ethereal.
She senses my arrival and picks her head up to meet my gaze, her lips curl up into a small smile and she waves at me. In return I let my tongue hang out and give her a wolf smile as I trot over to the bottom of the waterfall. I go out of view and put my clothes back on.
By the time I come back out I see Alex, floating in the air?

I knew her powers were strong but, flying, or whatever she's doing is a lot more than I thought she could do. I guess i really did underestermate her. I could see her concentrating really hard on it so I guess it does take a lot of hard work for her to do this.

Just then I see her eyes fly open and she clutches her head. She falters, I see her try to regain her balance bit fails. Still 15ft away I rushed forward to catch her before she could crash into the earth. I make it just in time and catch her bridal style, bringing her towards my chest. Reassuring myself that she's alright.

I feel her grab onto me, breathing heavily at what almost happened. I then feel something wet on my chest and look down, she was crying. "The voices, I could hear them again."
I try and relax her, sitting down on the grass and stroking her hair until she was compossed amd could explain what she meant by that.

"You know what the Moon Goddess said about having a dark side. Well, yesterday I heard a voice in my head. It wasn't sky, I had no idea who or what it was. Then, when I looked in the mirror one of my eyes, my left one, was white. Completely white. No iris or pupil, but I could see just as clearly as ever. It was my left eye. I had no idea why that happened but then the Moon Goddess told us. I dont know what do, it is horrible. Not being in control of my mind, those thoughts seeping into it so easily. It's horrific, I'm scared. Ryan, I'm scared. I might end up hurting someone because of it. If I did... I wouldn't be able to live with myself."

I wrap my arms around her tighter, trying to close her off from the outside world - whilst makeing sure to not cause her any discomfort.i do this to try and hide her from her fears, even though I knew my attempts were futile. I could only try and provide as much comfort as possible.

"Alex, you won't hurt somebody. Trust me." I say in a gentle voice.
"You can't be certain of that. You don't know." She replies, a slight tremor in her voice. "I do know." "How?"

"Becuase I won't let you. I'll be there, every step of the way."

She looks up at me with those dazzling eyes and says in a smoot, divine voice "Thank you."

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