Story 7: Me And My Thoughts

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(A/N): Wanted to add this song just because it goes along with the chapter. As for the picture i just added it there because liked it. Even though it has nothing to do with the chapter.

Song: Star's Princess Song
Artist: Patrick Stump

Star's P.O.V

I am so confused. I can't gather together my thoughts. I can't even gather together my emotions. How am I supposed to handle this. I can't stay gone forever. I need to go back sometime.

I had ran into one of the bathrooms in the castle. I had to change quickly. Then I left Mewni quickly before anything else happened. I left Marco at the castle with my parents. I opened up a portal to another dimension.

(A/N): You know the song day dress.

(A/N): Outfit she changed into

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(A/N): Outfit she changed into.

I know i have to go back soon

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I know i have to go back soon. I took Marco's dimensional scissors. I have to go back to take him home soon. I also have to face my parents and the Magical High Commission.

(A/N): This is actually one of my favorite pictures of the Magical High Commission. Even though Queen Moon isn't in it.

I ended up in a random dimension

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I ended up in a random dimension. This dimension was different shades of purple and blue. Half of the ocean was light purple while the other half was light blue. The sky but dark blue while the clouds were dark purple. The sand was a darker shade of purple with hints of blue in it. The plants were blue and purple as well. This dimension was completely empty.

"Stupid song day." I said angrily.

I began to kick the dirt. Which caused it to create like a mini dust devil. An a little bit of wind came.

"I didn't even think he would say anything like that. I didn't even mention anything about me having a crush on Marco." I screamed. "Ugh! Stupid Ruberiot!" I screamed even louder.

This seemed to be a great place to yell. A great place to scream my lungs out from being angry. The best place to take my anger on. Just so I don't take it out on someone else who doesn't deserve to be a victim to my anger.

"This is something that should of been kept a secret. This is the type of thing that should be buried deep down in my mind and heart." I sat down in the sand.

I began to write stuff in the sand. It was just a bunch of lovey dovey nonsense. Then drawing a picture of us holding hands.

"Somethings are better off kept quiet. Secrets ruin absolutely everything." I sigh. "Things are going to be so awkward."

The certain lyrics to that song kept repeating in my head. It sounded like a scratched CD that kept repeating that one part or something. It was driving me insane.

***Song Lyrics***

Royal Secret, one last to tell,

A Princess under true
love's spell...

Who is the boy in
the earthly attire?

A Prince of the Princess's deepest desire,

I don't need to show
it, I think we all know it,

But just to be certain,
I'll say it again...

Star Butterfly is in
love with her best friend!



*****End Of Lyrics****

"Ugh. I don't know what to do. I don't want to go back to home on earth because of this... but i also don't want to go back to my home on Mewni." I said. "I do and don't want space from Marco. I think he's going to need to be away from me for awhile."

"Stupid song day!" I threw some sand. "I just want to destroy Ruberiot right now."

Once i said that i started to glow green. An then the glow faded away quickly.

"Weird." I mumbled looking at myself.

I sat there still writing and drawing in the sand. Debating if I should leave now or wait it out a little longer.

"No Star. You can't keep stalling! You have to face this problem sooner or later. It's like Marco said before... i need to stop running away from my problems." I got up. "Just grow up and tell him how you feel." I said. "What could possibly go wrong... other then what went wrong not to long ago. What's the worst that can happen..." I sigh.

I opened up a portal back to Mewni. I ended up in my walk in closet in my room. I looked in my mirrors and saw i was covered in the sand from that other dimension. I changed into a different outfit so I wasn't covered in sand.

(A/N): Outfit she changed into.

"Okay Star

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"Okay Star. You can do this... all you got to tell him is how you truly feel and tell the truth." I said to myself in the mirror.

I walked out of my closet. Then prepared to go find Marco somewhere around the castle. I didn't need to look though. Marco was sitting on my little couch. He was reading one of my books.

"Marco." I said nervously. "I really need to tell you something." I started to bite the inside of my cheek.

"What is it?" He asked nervously.

"I wanted to tell you that... What the song said is true... I am in love with you." I said quickly.

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