Story 4: Giving Up Pt.1

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(A/N): Songs for Star towards Marco basically. :)

Song: Stickwitu
Artist: Pussycat Dolls

Star's P.O.V

"Mirror Mirror Mirror please show and find Marco." I sigh. I wanted to cry. I couldn't though I cant smear my make up because if I do my mother will be upset. Then probably throw me in the bathroom and have people redo it.

I stood right in front of my triple mirrors. They weren't exactly like my other Mirror that I used for calling people. This mirror was gift for my eighteenth birthday from Buff Frog and his babies. Although they were no longer Babies anymore. It was a mirror made specifically for me. No one else uses it except me. It only listens to my voice and does what I want it to. It's a secret type thing so when someone is in the room it knows. An if I try to talk to it or something while they are in here it wont do anything until the person leaves. When I touch it and it recognized my hand or reflection that's when it works.

I've been using it to try to find Marco. I haven't seen Marco in like six months. He's been missing for like ever. I tried to look for him on my own by going MIA for four months. I had a feeling I was never going to find him. I searched through ever dimensions he's been through with and without me. I've searched here on Mewni and on Earth I searched everywhere I could think of he could possibly be. Where is he? My mirror cant even find him. I have my Mirror check all the time everyday every other hour. Mr. and Mrs. Diaz say for me to not worry so much. An say for me to focus on my duties as Queen. They also said that eventually Marco will make his way back or something. Although that got me thinking just about a million things in my head.

As my mirror was scanning through different dimensions it stopped. It came up with absolutely nothing at all. I looked away and wiped away a tear quickly. Maybe I just need to accept the fact that he might be gone forever. Accept that fact that Mr. and Mrs. Diaz are right that I need to focus on my duties of being queen. Although how am I going to live on with my life without Marco in it. I need the person that was my best friend and became my first love. How can I possibly forget all of that. That is impossible to forget.

"Mirror Mirror Mirror stop searching." My voice started to crack. "Mirror Mirror Mirror show me my reflection." I said.

There I stood. My long blonde hair curled and pinned up in the back. My makeup was still good not messed up. I flipped my veil over my face. Then grabbed my pink and white roses bouquet. I stood there staring at myself in my wedding dress. I stood up straight then took a deep breath. There was a knock on my door.

(A/N): Star's wedding outfit.

(A/N): Star's wedding outfit

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"Open." I said my voice sounded off.

"There she is." My father came in. "Star. You look beautiful as ever." He said.

"Thanks Dad." I sighed. Then looked at myself in the mirror again.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

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