Hidden Pain Pt.3

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(A/N): Random picture that i found. Swear! Who ever did this picture is a freaking genius! I love Jelsa! An seeing this is just amazing. As for the song. You know it. :)

Star's P.O.V

"Are you sure you want to hear it?" I ask her confused.

"Well we have time. I mean this is going to take awhile." She said examining my hair. "Now before you start your story and before I start... I need to know something." She said looking at my hair still. "Am I just cutting the gum out and fixing it to make it seem like the gum was never there?" She asked deep into thought. "Because if am doing that... your hair is going to be short Star." She said sounding disappointed.

"If that's what needs to be done... then I guess I'm just going to have short hair." I shrugged.

I honestly wasn't worried about having my hair short. I was worried for a totally different reason. Actually I was terrified not worried. Terrified of what my parents will think when they see my short hair.

"Or we can try to get it out with a few of these shampoo's and other hair products. I think we should try that because you hair is so long and pretty. I mean this is going to take forever to grow back to this long." She looked at me with a worried look.

I didn't say anything because I didn't know what to say. I looked at myself in the mirror again. I didn't know what to do. I think either way no matter what I choose I am screwed. I continued to stare at myself.

"Clarity. Do you got your hair styling book for short hair?" I ask.

"Yeah." She said.

"Can I see it? I think I don't have any choices but to cut it. The damage has already been done. I guess it's better to have my hair cut short then something else happening to it. I think cutting it is the best option." I said.

She left me alone for awhile then came back. She was holding a big green book that was as big as my spell book.

"Here you go." She said.

"Thanks." I said.

"So while you are looking can you tell me what happened?" She asked.

I began flipping through the pages of the book. There was so many short hair styles I could choose from. There was also so many different hair colors to go with those styles. The more hair styles and colors I saw the more I began to change my mind. I decided I didn't just want to cut it I wanted to do something else with it. I continued to flip through the book.

"Well... So I met this earth boy named Marco Diaz. When I got sent to earth I was put with a family to live with while I'm there. I was put with his parents to live with. Marco became one of my best friends shortly after... Anyways... He likes this girl named Jackie Lynn Thomas. He's liked her for a long time now. I honestly didn't mind her at first... that is until they started dating. One day Marco left her in the middle of their date to help me a-" I stopped remember what had happened.

"Continue." She said. She sat down in another chair in front of me. I continued to flip through the book.

"I was at the park on my own walking our laser puppies. I was sitting on the table on my phone texting away. Then stupid Ludo and his followers appeared to try to take my wand." I shook my head. I didn't want to say 'Ludo and His stupid Monsters' because she's a monster. I don't want to offend her or anything. "I began to fight them on my own. Except this time there was more of them then usual. I was losing really bad.. because normally I have Marco around when stuff like that happens. Anyways I didn't know Jackie and Marco were in the park. Next thing I know here comes Marco out of no where. Then after we fought off Ludo's followers we got the puppies and walked home. I asked him about his date and some other stuff. He said his date was nice he was just walking home when he heard me scream." I stopped talking when I had found a hair style I wanted. It's different and my parents will hate it but I don't care. "I want this one. Can you do this one?" I asked now excited.

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