Gone For Now Pt.3

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(A/N): You know the song.

Marco's P.O.V

"What's with the attitude in your voice? Do you like not want to find Star." Pony Head harshly.

"Because if you don't want to we can leave right now." Tom added on.

"You don't have to help." Janna said.

"I think.... You just don't want to help.... because the only one you care about is Jackie." Oskar said giving me an angry look.

The things they were saying was giving me a headache. Making me irritated each time one of them said something. They are just assuming things and it is getting annoying.

"If Jackie was missing or in trouble or something you would jump up to help her. You would do anything and everything for her. Wouldn't you? But sense Star isn't Jackie you could really care less. Am I right or wrong?" StarFan13 shook her head and crossed her arms.

As soon as that came out of her mouth I froze. I became speechless and started to feel hurt. Why would she assume that. Am I really making It seem that way? I don't think I'm making it seem that way. I stood up ready to begin to talk. No words came out of me though. I was thinking of what StarFan13 said.

"Karate Boy do you really not care about Star?" Buff Frog asked disappointed.

"You guys got this all wrong. You guys are just assuming and putting words in my mouth. If I didn't care about Star thing would be different right now." I said angrily.

I wanted to comment on what StarFan13 said. I couldn't though I couldn't find the words in me. I knew what I wanted to say I just couldn't speak.

"If it was Jackie missing I don't know what I would do. I would probably just leave it to others to find Jackie. I do care about Star and what happens to her." I said throwing a pillow at the wall. I was officially pissed off. At least I found some of the words I wanted to say.

"Then why do you make it seem like you don't care!" Pony Head screamed at me.

"I don't mean to! I'm just very emotionally confused right now!" I screamed back at her. I wasn't lying... I was emotionally confused.

"You guys... we all just need to calm down. We came here to get some help to find Star. We didn't come here to argue. We are wasting time just arguing." Kelly said calmly.

"Marco doesn't even seem to care. We should go right now. We'll just do some dimension hoping or something." Tom said.

"I just explained about me caring about Star. Did you not hear me or something. Did my talking go in one ear and out the other Tom." I said irritated.

"There are so many different dimensions... this can take like forever." Buff Frog said.

"Let's go then." Tom said. I was waiting for him to say something but he didn't.

"Can we go with you?" Janna asked quickly. "I really want to find Star." She said.

"Uh..." Is all came out of Tom's mouth. "Yeah." He finished off what he was going to say.

"Wait a minute." Kelly said. "I got an idea." She said.

"An your idea is?" Pony Head questioned.

"First lets get out of here." Tom said. He looked at me rolled his eyes then looked away.

"Can you guys like port-" Janna was trying to talk.

As Janna was trying to talk I decided to cut in. I had promised the King and Queen I would try to find Star. I am not giving up on trying to look for her.

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