Electric Blasting Shield Pt.5

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(A/N): Hey peoples! I said i was gunna post a chapter if i could. Soooo this is it. This is that update. I hope you guys like it. I enjoyed writing it to be honest. I would've posted this Saturday BUT Some drama stuff went down.

Oh and of course both pictures and videos are random. This lip sync battle is one of my favorites. I love Channing Tatum. Especially this video! Can never go wrong with a song by the Queen herself. And P.O.V's switches like the last.

Marco's P.O.V

It actually didn't take long to find Tom. We walked around for like ten minutes. He basically came to us. When he saw us he tried to turn around and walk away. He had a guilty look on his face so he did do something.

"Tom!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Star screamed at the top of her lungs. "What did you do to us?!?!?!" She screamed even louder.

Next thing I knew I saw Star running. He started running away as well. She got out her wand and started to blast stuff at him. She was screaming different things at him. I couldn't really understand what she was saying.

"What did you do to us?!?!?!" She screamed again.

"I didn't do anything! What are you talking about." He said.

"Tom! You tell me right now! Tell me before I decide to kill you!" She said.

"No!" Tom said. " I don't even know what to tell you! Because I didn't do anything." He screamed.

Star had finally caught him. She jumped on top of him causing him to collapse onto the floor.  I ran up to them in a hurry. I was going to make an attempt to pull her off. However I stopped before I could. I knew the consequences that I would face if i touched her.

Star's P.O.V

"Star! I know you want answers but your not going to get them like this. You won't get any answers if you kill him." Marco said. "Look! Your close to nearly killing him."

I turned to face Marco. I punched Tom one more time. Then let him go and got up. Then i kicked Tom in the chest. Which caused him to lose his breath.

"Your known for lying in my book. Now tell me what you did to us!" I said. "Before i p-"

"Now Star. Just calm down and maybe just maybe he'll tell us." Marco said calmly. "Now what did you do to us Tom!!!!" Marco's tone changed from calm to furious really quick.

I looked at Marco with wide eyes. Then looked away quickly back at Tom.

"I have no clue what you two are talking about. I am willing to help you though so you can stop trying to kill me!" Tom yells.

I started to feel weird. I started to look at myself. The electricity was back and glowing bright. I then i felt a sharp sting on my elbow. My elbow was close to touching Marco's elbow. I slight moved off to my right. Marco looked at me with sadness in his eyes.

Marco's P.O.V

I saw Star scoot away from me. I didn't know exactly why. Well actually i assume why. I we were probably to close.

I looked at Star. We made eye contact for just a little bit. I felt so sad and scared. She looked down at Tom. The expression on her face changed from sad to furious real quick. That really scared me.

"Look I don't know what's going on but seriously... you just need to calm down. Just you tell me what's going on." Tom said.

"We can't touch each other." I blurt out.

I looked at Star. She just nodded then crossed her arms across her chest. Then she sat down next to Tom.

"Okay?" Tom said confused. "What exactly does that mean?" He asks.

"Ugh! It means we can't give each other hugs. It means we can't even make any type of physical contact. It means from it all I'm covered in what looks like electricity. It means if we do end up making any type of physical contact then we get hurt." Star yelled at the top of her lungs.

To Be Continued...

(A/N): This chapter was short because of Pt. 6. May not make sense but you'll see why... i think you'll understand.

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