Within The Hour Pt.5

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(A/N): Whyyy can i already tell it's going to be a long week. Like i can just tell as soon as i stepped into the work building. Can't it just skip to weekend then skip to the next weekend so i can get paid. Like seriously lately things have been so off. I am tired all time just from being at work. I am in need of a long long sleep. Anyways! This is this weeks update. I hope you enjoy it. You know the usual with the whole random song and random picture.

Song: The Best Thing I Never Had
Artist: Beyonce

Kelly's P.O.V

Tom took my phone once it dropped. I didn't want Tom messing up the moment Star is sharing with Marco. Therefore to get my mirror phone back we were fighting in the front of the building. That is until... My Aunt came out.

She stopped and watched us. We stopped fighting. I got my mirror phone back. Then i had the last hit. I punched Tom in the face and he fell down. I didn't care that she saw.

"Now Kelly it is not right for a princess to be fighting... that is unless there is danger." She said calmly.

"I know I'm sorry but it was needed." I said calmly.

"How was it needed?" She asked me.

She looked at Tom who was knocked out. He was just laying there. Then jumped back up and looked around confused.

"Also by the way where is my daughter?" She asked curiously.

"It was needed because he took my mirror phone. The only reason he took it was because he got jealous that Star with that prince from earth. Tom broke up with Star. I called her to ask where she was because you asked and i didn't know where she was. Then Tom took my phone and it lead to fighting. I needed to keep Tom from messing up Star's night." I explained to her talking fast to get it over with.

"Where is she now?" She asked.

"On Earth with him." I said.

"Oh okay. Tell her if she is with him and not in danger she doesn't have to come back here. She can go straight home." She said.

I was surprised that she wasn't mad or anything. She was perfectly calm. Which made me question how she was really feeling. She started to walk back inside

"Get outa here and go inside." I said to Tom.

As i was about to walk the opposite way to call Star a portal opened. Star came through no longer wearing her princess dress. I questioned things so much.

She looked so happy which made me happy. She was in a different dress wearing a jacket. She had the biggest smile on her face.

"Am i late?" She said as she landed on one knee on the ground.

"Uhhhh..." Is all i could say at the moment.

"Why are you... Where is your dress?" I asked her. That was the first thing i thought as she came through the portal

"Ohhh... I changed out of it. It was starting to become uncomfortable so i used my wand to change into this." She said. "Annnd i opened up a portal and threw it in the room at the castle quickly. I knew i needed to be back here asap due to being late by twenty minutes"

(A/N): Not putting the outfit yet.

I still questioned so much... Although she was happy so i shouldn't say anything.

"I am assuming that is his?" I said.

I pointed at the red jacket as she took it off. She was holding onto that thing tightly. She looked as if you were to try to take it away she would blast you with her wand.

"Ohhh yeah." She said. "I got kind of cold..." She said

"How?" I asked.

"Earth is kind of cold." She said.

"Star were you really on Earth with Prince Marco?" Her mom asked her curiously.

"Yeeaaaaahhhhh... Sorry for leaving Mom and for being late." Star apologized and seemed kind of disappointed.

"It's fine. Just as long as there was no danger." Her mom said with a smile on her face.

She turned around to walk back inside the building.

"Sooo i am assuming you don't wan-" Tom began to talk.

"Yeah we can talk." She said.

I noticed how she gripped on to his jacket tighter. Her smile kind of faded into small frown. The look in her eyes read sadness. She took a deep breath then put on his jacket again.

Marco's P.O.V

I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling with my heart racing and thoughts all scattered. I was having so many emotions for her. My heart started racing even more as i was thinking of her. I went to that event thinking nothing was going to happen. I went just to get it over with i didnt expect anything. I wanted in then out as soon as possible. I was sooo wrong though like so so so wrong. For some reason i also felt.. I dont know.. Sad? Sad that she left. Then happy because of the other thing that happened.

I jumped up deciding i need something to drink. I didn't know if my parents were awake or not but I'll see when i go downstairs. I had only take two steps next thing i know i am on the floor. I landed on my face and it was so painful. I looked back to see what object tried to kill me or break my nose. I notice heels were laying there by my bed. I didn't have to think to know whose they were of course. They were the future love of my life's heels. Well now this gives me an excuse to find her she might need them back.

Star's P.O.V

My heart was beating fast and i was starting to feel many emotions. For example i felt Mad, Sad. Confused, Hurt, Happy, And In love. I was mad because Tom wanted to talk. I didn't exactly want to talk about anything but i felt it was needed. I felt really sad because i had to leave Marco and i wasn't able to fully escape for a long time. I was confused because i didn't know how i felt exactly for Marco yet. I still felt hurt because of this whole 'move on and see others' thing. I was happy because i think i found someone that might actually think i matter. Mostly i felt in love with Marco but still confused about what i want.

"I think we need to get this over with asap because i cant do this anymore. You were right we should not do this off and on nonsense anymore. I mean we are wasting so much time it is pointless. Why waste so much time on whatever this is when we can be out finding someone else to make us happy." I said "This is turning into something ridiculous i mean... I'm done." I ended things quickly.

"Please don't say that." Is all that came out of Tom's mouth.

"It's to late Tom. You left me and practically put me in the arms of Marco. Who by the way helped me see the... He helped me see that i can be better off without you and that i don't need you." I said.

"No. You don't understand. I love you Star. You mean everything to me. You... It was just a little game to play on you. I was testing you this whole time. I didn't actually mean what i said to you the other day." He said. "How in the world can one hour change your mind so fast about your'e feelings for me so quick?"

"Goodbye Tom." I said.

To Be Continued...

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