Electric Blasting Shield Pt.16

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(A/N): Heeeeeeeeyyyyyyyaaaaa how is everyone today? For me today is decent?... i guess. ANYWAYS sooooooo i wanna say Happy Late Late Late Late Late Valentines Day. Normally I don't celebrate Valentines stuff due to the fact i lost my Aunt a couple years ago on Valentines Day when i was in 7th grade. I remember that day like it was yesterday... extremely painful. Buuuuuuuuut i decided why not just wish you guys a late valentines day. Sooo happy late valentines day. I hope you all had a good day. But anyways you know how it goes. Random picture and random song. You know the random view switching. Hope you all enjoy.

Song: I'll be
Artist: Edwin McCain

Marco's P.O.V

***Time Skip***

We had dimension hopped for hours. We went looking for the dimension i found myself in before. Such a disappointment that we couldn't find it. Then we went looking for where Star was when she woke up. We couldn't find that one either.

Star had the Queen and Tom floating behind us. She was like levitating them and pulling them by her wand. I guess you can call it that.

Since we did not find those dimensions like we planned... it changed our entire plan. Instead of burying she came up with something else.

Tom's P.O.V

I didn't know exactly what was going on. I couldn't understand anything. I just know i was floating stuck inside a crystal. A crystal that practically robbed me of all my power.

I got glimpses of Star's face as she pulled our floating crystals along with her. She looked scared and mad. She was talking to Marco. I couldn't hear what she was saying though.

Marco was talking to her as well. He pointed at me then at her Mom. He shook his head then shrugged.

Star stopped then looked around. She shrugged and shook her head. Then she looked at me then at her mom. Saying a few things then looking at Marco. He nodded his head in agreement then shrugged. He put his hood up and covered his face. He turned to face the other direction.

Queen Moon's P.O.V

I had lost my sight of things. My magic was gone and I couldn't get it back. My own daughter robbed me of my magic. My own daughter betrayed everything and everyone. I may have lost my sight but through this crystal I could still hear. I was listening to Star and the peasant boy talk.

"Well if we can't find it then what do you do?" He asked her.

"We have to find it. Where else are we going to put them. You don't remember anything?" She asked.

"How am I supposed to remember a place that I didn't even... You know what never mind. I cannot remember and neither can you. We need a different plan." He said.

"Weeeeelllllllll." She said.

"Weeeeelllllllll what?" He asked confused.

"Not saying it will work. It may or may not work." She said.

"Well what?" He asked curiously.

What is she going to do? Is what i am asking. What was she planning to do in the first place?

"We needa go home." She said quickly.

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