Gone For Now Pt.5

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(A/N): Same Lovely Song.

Marco's P.O.V

***Major Major Time Skip***

"It's two weeks before the end of summer. Today would basically mark the day of when she -" My mother was trying to talk.

(A/N): Mrs. Diaz's outfit.

"Can we please not talk about Star

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"Can we please not talk about Star. It hurts way to much. If you want to talk about her then go ahead... Just don't do it around me." I said covering my ears.

(A/N): Marco's outfit.

(A/N): Marco's outfit

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"We are sorry Marco... but your going to hear it one way or another." My father said.

(A/N): Mr. Diaz's outfit.

He was finishing his food

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He was finishing his food. He had just gotten back from work. My mother was sitting at the table sighing paperwork.

"I am well aware I'm going to have to hear about it eventually. I just don't want to hear about it right now. It's way to soon. I'm already worried enough about her. No one has heard from her. I d-" I was talking fast.

"Marco! Breathe and calm down. Don't talk so fast you sound like your speaking another language." My mother cuts in.

"I'm going to my room. You can talk about Star now." I said in a sad tone.

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