Hidden Pain Pt.8

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(A/N): Song known of course. Picture is a collage of course. Now the same authors note about the collage in Part 6 applies to this collage as well. Hope you enjoy Part 8.

Star's P.O.V

After about two hours of crying off and on in my room I got tired of it. I didn't know what to think anymore. I was getting tired of my emotions flip flopping back and forth. Getting tired of sitting there replaying what happened in my head. I wish I could just forget about it.

Now I find myself in the back of the castle outside. I was creating monsters with my wand. Then fighting them as I created them. I honestly don't know how many monsters I created. I knew I created a lot of monsters though. I had realized I wasn't really sad I was more angry. Thinking that my crying wasn't because I was sad... it was because I was pissed off. Took me awhile to realize it I swear it took me taking down a lot of monsters to realize it.

"Stupid Marco." I said killing a monster.

I then created like seven more of them. As I fought them I continued to talk to myself.

"Stupid Jackie." I said.

"Ugh! I hate you now Marco!" I said.

"You make me so angry! I just want to s-" I stopped in the middle of my sentence.

I didn't notice until now that I created a monster that looked like Marco. Then another Monster that looked like Jackie. I destroyed the one that looked like Jackie first. This time I took out more of my anger on the monster that looked like her instead of the others. Once the Jackie monster was destroyed I moved on to the Marco monster. I stopped though. I couldn't destroy him. I froze at first then I destroyed him not feeling bad what so ever.

"Now why would you destroy and create a monster that looks exactly like Marco?" My father asked coming up behind me.

I slightly jumped and got scared. I turned to look at him and he looked worried. I shrugged not having anything to say. Well I cant say I had nothing to say I kind of had a lot.

"I'm having a hard time with Marco right now. He made me very... upset I guess? I'm just taking my anger out on monsters I am creating." I said. "Instead of going back to earth to take it out on him." I shrugged not really wanting to talk about it just yet.

"Are you going to talk to him after you take all your anger out on Monster Marco?" He asked.

"I don't know. I... well somethings were said that cant be taken back. He said some things and I may or may not have said some back. I found out the truth about something. That truth that was said basically ended everything. Therefore I am not talking to Karate Boy anytime soon. I just want to keep fighting monsters right now. This is the only thing that is going to make me feel better. I feel very unhappy kind of sort of." I said killing another one of my created monsters.

"What if he were to come and say he is sorry?" My father asked.

"I don't think that will ever happen. After all he said he... you know i don't even want to talk about what he said." I mumbled.

I don't expect an apology from Marco at all. Just like I'm not going to apologize for what happened. I didn't mean to hurt him but everyone else that i hurt deserved it. Marco basically said Jackie is always going to be more important. I know there is nothing i can do about it. I don't matter to him anymore... I actually never did.

"Well... if and when you are ready to talk about it you can always come to me. Even if it is before your mother comes back home." He said.

"Thanks Dad." I said giving him a small smile.

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