Electric Blasting Shield Pt.15

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(A/N): Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy wonderful people!!!!! How is everyone today? I am bored and tired. I don't work today and I just barely got up. Now right now it's basically considered early for me too be up on a Saturday. I was hoping I would sleep more but apparently not. Sooooooooooooooooooo I decided to post a chapter. Now it's the usual random music and picture. Plus the usual p.o.v constant switching. I hope you guys enjoy the chapter.

Song: Bed Rock
Artist: Young Money

Marco's P.O.V

"Is your mom like dead?..." I asked freaked out.

"That is something I cannot confirm without decrystalizing her." Star said.

"Then how do you plan on telling if she's dead? You can't just leave her like that?" I said confused. "Like-" I continued to try to talk.

"Like Eclipsa" Star cut in.

"Yeah..." I mumbled.

Being honest and all I didn't feel bad for what happened. Normally this seems like something I would feel sorry about but I don't. I feel like they both get what they deserve.

"What about Tom?" I asked curiously.

"Who cares about him. I needa figure out what I am going to do about my mom" She slightly raised her voice.

"Just put her in the castle dungeon or something." I said.

She gave me a weird look. Then looked at her mom then at Tom. She kicked some dirt at them. Then she sat on the ground.

"What am I supposed to do... I crystallized my mother. Who does that? Apparently I do." She said talking with her hands. "Does this make me a bad person?" She asked me. She sounded so devastated.

"That doesn't make you a bad person. You were just saving lives. You saved mine and yours. Your mom was basically killing us. In my point of view what just happened was karma and everyone-" I was trying to talk.

"Knows karma is a bitch... what comes around goes around." She said and added a sigh then a gasp.

"What is the kingdom going to say." She said then jumped up quickly.

Star's P.O.V

Marco had a point... a point I shouldn't be questioning.  Everything he had just said was true. Although I wonder how things are going to be now. Then the thought about my people popped up.

What are they going to think when they find out? How are they going to react to this? Is this going too end badly? What do I do now? Does this automatically make me Queen of Mewni?

"Who said they had to know. You can just say your mom was attacked and killed by monsters.-" Marco began too speak.

"Soooooooo... basically saying she died the same way her mom... aka my grandma died." I said sounding so unsure.

"Your grandma di-" He began to speak.

"We can talk about that at another time." I blurted out.

"Well do you got anything else?" He asked. "Because that's all I got."

"Well history can repeat itself... guess we can say that.  We still needa find something to do
with her body..." I said. "We also can't forget about Tom."

"Well can you think of a place to hide them? Somewhere no one would ever think to look." He said.

"My mind is blank..." I shook my head.

Marco's P.O.V

I didn't have a clue what to say anymore. Star looked so lost in her world. Nothing but silence between us.  Well i take that back it's nothing but an awkward silence between us. It sucks because we can't just stand here looking suspicious.

"I can't think straight." She said. 

"I don't blame you." I said.

She continued to stand there. I decided to sit down. I was starring at Queen Moon. I could of swore it looked as if she was crying.

"Well can you at least think of a place to hide them... You know for now? Then when you finally think of a place to hide them for good you can take them there later." I shrugged. 

"This is way to much pressure. It's not like we can bury them!" She said.

"Maybe we can?" I said.

Doesn't exactly seem like the best plan. I actually think that's the only plan. 

Star's P.O.V

Marco agreeing to that wasn't something I thought he would even consider.  Actually that is something that I didn't plan on doing. I just blurted it out without thinking.

"I mean it's not the best plan but at lea-" He began to talk. "Never mind.... We'll think of something else." He changed his mind.

"Let's do it. " I said. "There's just one problem." I said.

"That is?" He asked confused.

"Where?" I asked.

To Be Continued...

(A/N): I know this is short. I apologize.

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