Time Pt.6

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(A/N): This is this weeks update. Now there is not much to say other then this week better go by fast. Maybe this week will because had to call in to work because not feeling so good. Feel like i am dying right now and I cannot go back to sleep. Anyways Random song and random picture you know the usual. I hope you wonderful lovely people enjoy it.

But before i go i wanna say Happy 15th Birthday to my little brother Marquez. I hope you have the best day ever. An even though i never say it and we also mess around a lot. I Love you lots and you best have the best day ever at school.

Song: Face DownBand: The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

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Song: Face Down
Band: The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

Star's P.O.V

"Even since you've been doing this... I haven't had the time i need with Marco. I hav-" I stopped in mid sentence.

I am close to saying a few things i don't want to say. I mean they are things i want to say. They are maybe somethings i wanna say to Marco. Somethings that i am afraid to say. Buuuuuuuut i am just thinking I should say it so Marco can hear it from under my bed. Rather then me telling him what i want to say in person.

"You have what?" She asked very confused.

She narrowed her eyes at me. Then she crossed her arms across her chest. Beginning to tap her foot.

"I haven't been a good friend to Marco. Ever since i came back. I have been kinda avoiding him. I know in my heart this is something i shouldn't be doing. I should face my problem head on. Buuuuut i just thought using home would be the best way to avoid the situation." I sigh.

I laid back down grabbing a pillow and putting it over my face. I wanted to scream. Then I removed the pillow knowing there was more to say.

"What is it with you and Marco?" She asked me confused.

"Mixed emotions cannot explain." I shook my head. "But things happened thats why i haven't been arguing with you much about going back to earth when you told me. I mean i know i argued with you about Mason but that's something different. There is a lot of things you don't know about that happened on earth." I said.

"Like what?" She asked.

"Well theres like a few. One being me falling in love with Marco. Two Marco falling in love with me after awhile. Three me and Marco dated. In which i am not really sure if i explained that to you... because right now i cant think straight. Four me and Marco broke up. Those are the main things. "The break up was mutual but we decided to stay Friends. Now Best Friends i felt like that was ruined. The way I saw it was if we spent time together then we can come back to that. Except I'm the one that has been avoiding him. Now Marco kinda hated me or hates me... I don't know which one he feel. He doesn't like the fact that Mason is here. You bring him here is what made things worse. The fact that i can't tell you how i feel doesn't help then situation. I cant tell you anything." I said.

I laid back down then turned on my side. In which doing so i faced the wall letting my back face her. Do I regret doing it? No.

"You have no clue how much pain i am in." I said. "Please leave me alone." I said.

"I know what you mean Star." She said and sighed.


"Star i was a teenage girl to. I know how you are feeling." She said.

"Just please go." I said.

Marco slight rolled out from under my bed. Half of his body was still under my bed. Then half was out. Only one eye was showing. He looked at me and there was some tears. I lent out my hand for him to take it. While he still laid under there i held his hand.

"I will leave you be then." Mom said.

"Thank you." I said.

She closed my door quietly. Then i grabbed my wand and locked my door. Marco got up from under my bed. Then sat on the edge.

"Im sorry." I said. I was sort of speechless.

"It's okay." He said.

"No it's not. I basically accused you of alot... but it was really me." I said.

"You did nothing wrong Star. You were hurt. I cant blame you for all that went on." He said.

He crawled over towards me. Then he sat down and pulled me into his arms.

"Bad idea." He said.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Bad idea for us to leave each other with no actual thought to it." He said.

"Yepp." I mumbled.

"Sooo I don't blame you for avoiding me." He said.

"It something i shouldn't have done at all." I shook my head.

Marco was playing with my hair. Seems like everything is okay but... then again.

"Are we okay now?" I ask kind of scared to ask.

"Perfectly okay. So can i ask you something?" He said nervously.

"What?" I ask.

"Would you consider getting back together with me?" He asked.

"Are y-" I was confused.

Was he asking me what i think he was asking? If he is i am scared to answer.

"Will you be with me again... not just as my friend. I love you to much to just be friends. At least we would have time to be together. I don't want this anymore." He said.

"Of course. You don't even have to ask." I said.

We just continued to lay in my bed. I did not want this moment to end. This was perfect.

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