Electric Blasting Shield Pt. 9

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(A/N): Heyyyy Guys. Soooo this is this weeks update. It's kinda short so sorry about that. I tried to stretch it out longer but i got my friends wedding to attend to. I just wanted to post a chapter.

You know the song and picture at random as usual. I'm loving that picture though. Especially Marco's face haha.

Anyways hope you guys like Part. 10

Song: Sugar We're Going Down
Artists: Fall Out Boy

Marco's P.O.V

Now in my thoughts I am starting to think this will last forever. I know Tom did it he just doesn't want to admit it. I mean come on who else would do this to us? He is the only one that gets jealous of the friendship I share with her. I get why he is mad... but come on I don't understand why he doesn't move on. Clearly Star doesn't want to be with him. I don't understand why he doesn't just accept that.

When Star opened up the portal and I went through we weren't in Mewni. We seemed to be in the middle of no where. I was very confused nothing was in sight. There was only a gray sky with black clouds. The ground was pink sand that looked soft. There was yellow, green, orange, and navy blue flowers growing around. There was also a huge neon purple and light purple tree. Which had a teal colored long swing bench on it.

"I don't think we should go to my mom just yet." Star said.

"I was just about to ask a few questions." I said. I was still looking around wonder what this place was.

"Annnnnnd those questions were?" She asked.

"Well some are past tense others are not so much." I said.

"Uhuh..." Is all that came out of her mouth.

"One is what is this place? Two is why aren't we in Mewni? Three I thought the whole point in leaving Toms was to go to your mom.. sooo why aren't we in Mewni in the castle to see your mom?" I asked.

"This is my safe thinking place. I don't want to go to my mom just yet. What If she wont be able to help us." She said.

Star's P.O.V

I had Marco step through the portal first. I didn't open up the portal to Mewni because I had changed my mind. changed my mind in the process of deciding to go to my mom. I had second thoughts to all of it. I know my mother wont help me with this. She will try to lecture me and tell me to solve this on my own. Only because I'm the one with the wand.

I opened the portal to my safe thinking place. The place I always run to for some space. I don't do it as much as I used to. No one knows about it at all... well until now. This place I found on my own when I ran away from home one time. which is completely different story a long long long different story. I stayed at this place for a week or so. No one found me here so I continued to hide out here when I needed to.

"Safe place?" Marco questioned me.

"Yeah. Used to run here all the time when I needed time to myself. I don't use it that much anymore but I found it. I found it one day when I was having royalty problems." I shrugged

I looked at Marco who had his mouth hanging open. Clearly he was going to say something to me.

"Don't ask because I don't want to talk about it." I blurted it out quickly.

"Okay." He said while he shrugged. "Who else knows about this place?" He asked.

"No one. Just me... well now you know now. Do not tell anyone. I like to come here to not be found for a reason." I said.

"I wont say anything." He said.

"Now why aren't we going to your mom?" He asked.

"because I know she wont be able to help." I admitted.

Marco's P.O.V

"Star... maybe it went away." He said. "Wanna-"

"Do not say try! Do not say it! I don't want us to get hurt." She said angrily.

"Well what are we going to do?!?!!!" I said angrily back.

"I don't know!" She screamed back.

"Then what do we do?!?!?!"

"I don't know.!" She screamed. "I don't know Marco. I've never seen anything like this. I don't even think-" She stopped talking.

"I hate when you do that! Stop doing that!" I said to her when she stopped talking.

"I think we should... I think we should just go check the spell book." She said coming to her final conclusion

"Hmm why didn't I think of that?" I said "Oh yeah I believe I did think of that! I even said it before i believe." I said.

"Oh be quiet Marco i do not re-call such thing. Anyways forget it. Lets just go see what we can do... because i honestly don't want to go to my moms." She said irritated.

I couldn't tell if she was irritated with me or about this magical thing. I don't know what is going on at the moment with this.

To Be Continued...

(A/N): Maybe a new post sometime next week before the weekend.

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