Electric Blasting Shield Pt.17

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(A/N): How is everyone? Hows the week so far? The week just basically barely started and it has already killed me. Work was unbelievable! Like oh my god! It was seriously frustrating. Working for Humana is so stressful. Anyways! Short update today! I wanted to post something really quick. I might post again sometime this week. Soooo this one is short. It was a must actually. Anyways!!! Song and picture at random... you know the usual. Hope you enjoy!

Song: Melodies
Artist: Madison Beer

Marco's P.O.V

"What is this place?" I asked confused.

"The dungeon. Duh!" She said.

"I am well aware this is a dungeon Star. However this doesn't exactly seem like the dungeon I've seen before." I said.

"That is because here in the castle there is two dungeons. We are in the second one. In which never hardly gets used." She said. "Actually... now that i think about it... this never gets used. Which is why we are doing this in here."

"Ah." I said. Made so much sense... i think.

We went down a weird version of an elevator. Well i guess you could call it an elevator. Star was controlling it with a lever and rope. She let it go and we dropped quickly. I feel down but she was still standing. It literally  had no effect on her. She just looked at me and laughed.

We got out of the elevator. She was still pulling them around. We were in the dungeon. There were chains everywhere. Then red stuff dried up... I'm assuming it's blood.

"Is that blood?" I asked.

"Yep." She said.

This place didn't seem the phase her. However for me... i felt truly traumatized. This place was kind of small.

"Sooo this doesn't get used? How many times have you been down here?" I ask.

"Only like five times." She said counting on her fingers.

"Okay." I said.

I felt weirded out honestly. I was feeling a mix of different emotions. I was the one holding onto the jewelry box. With all these mixed emotions my grip on it became tight.

"Okay." She said "Put the box down."

"Okay." I said

I slowly put the box down as she put the crystals down gently. I backed away quickly. I bumped into the brick wall. I carefully watched what she was doing. Until she stopped what she was doing. She was staring at her mother's crystal.

Star's P.O.V

"I'll be back." I said quickly.

"What? Where are you going?" Marco asked quickly.

I started to walk down the hall of the dungeon. I planned to go into a room secret room in the dungeon.

"Relax I'll be back." I said. I gave Marco a awkward nervous laugh. "Give me a few. Just watch them."

"What if someone comes?" He asked sounding scared.

"No one comes down here. You'll be fine." I said.

I was quickly down the hall. There was a small wooden door on the floor. It was a square door the led underground. I opened it with my magic by breaking the lock. I opened it and went in using the ladder to go in. Then finally jumped down. Then turned on the little light hanging from the ceiling.

I haven't been in this plan in forever. This was my hiding place. My go to place when i needed to be alone. Some of my stuff was in here still. Sometimes I would stay in here for days because i knew no one would find me.

I sat down on my small bed i had brought in here. To my surprise this place wasn't all dusty. I looked around. Then grabbed a pillow and screamed into it.

My heart was feeling shattered.

Marco's P.O.V

I was standing there awkwardly. I was constantly looking around. Why hasn't she come back yet? It's been like fifteen minutes. I was constantly checking my phone.

Then Star finally came out. She was walking quickly. Her eyes were puffy and her face was bright red. She tied her hair up in a sloppy ponytail. She pulled her wand out.

"Okay. Let's do this." She mumbled.

As she pointed her wand at her mom first she froze in place.

"I don't... I can't do this." She said. She stared at her mother.

To Be Continued...

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