Within The Hour Pt.8

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(A/N): Back with another update! :). Yeah it's kinda more late then i planned but here it is. Mmmm I don't really have anything to say today. Other then it's 9:00am and I should still be sleeping. Now it's Saturday and it's my sleep in day. I should still be asleep tbh. But anyways since i am up then i decided to post. Now you know the usual. Random song and random picture. Now this update is extremely short but it's the ending and i hope you enjoy.

Song: Buy U A Drank
Artist: T-Pain

Star's P.O.V

***Continued Memory***

"Trying to move on is going to hurt at first. You won't exactly forgot everything you try to forget. You will still hurt from time to time. You will reflect back on those moment. Eventually you'll learn to push it aside. You'll learn to know that you're gonna be fine. Eventually you will find someone better." He said sweetly.

"Thanks Marco." I said.

My tears were falling down my face. I used his sleeves from his hoodie to wipe them up.

"Trust me on this. I know from experience about it all." He said. "I just learned to accept the fact that the person i fell in love with... Loves someone else. I just needed time to accept it. I was eventually able to move on and slightly be fine. Now she's with guy and has a kid." He said seeming lost in thought.

"How long has it been?" I asked curiously.

"It's been a few years. Anyways bottom line you'll be fine." He said happily.

"Tom always said he loved me and always will. How can you supposably 'Love' someone and yet like other girls at the same time? It's just so wrong." I said.

"Because emotions are complicated and a pain in the ass to deal with. You don't need him Star. You can find someone who will love you." He said.

"When?" I asked.

"Eventually your path will cross with someone." He told me.

Without thinking i went up to him. I hugged him and only cried more. He hugged me tighter and it felt so good. I didn't want to let him go.

"Thank you Marco. Thank you for making me feel better. For helping me in my time of need." I felt so much better. "Thanks to picking me." I said.

"I saw you needed it." He said. "You're welcome."

"You just sort of put me back together." I slightly laughed. "I was shattered like glass and now you slowly put my back together." I said.

"I wanna continue that." He said quickly. "That is if you will let me."

Happy to know that he still wants to be around. I wanna keep him for like forever.

"Can i see you again?" I asked.

I pulled out of the hug to face him. He gave me a big smile. Then nodded.

"Of course." He said.

"Thank you. Now I'm sorry but i gotta go." I said sadly.

"Alright." He said.

He opened a portal for me.

"Here's your hoodie." I said as i took it off.

"You can keep it for now." He said with a small smile.

"Thank you. Bye." I said then left.

***End Of Memory***

I closed my book and went to shove it in the other books. Then decided it was time to go to sleep.

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