Electric Blasting Shield Pt.6

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(A/N): The reason as to why Part 5 was short was because i wanted to do a different point of view. An I didn't exactly want to put the other point of view into that chapter. I like to keep my chapters a certain amount of words and what not. An if I would've thrown in a different point of view that would cause it to go over.

ANYWAYS! Song and Picture chose randomly of course. I just had to put this song! Like seriously ever sense i watched the Lip Sync video again this song has been stuck in my head.

Hope you like this chapter.

Song: Umbrella
Artist: Rihanna Feat. Jay-Z

Tom's P.O.V

First i was perfectly fine. I was okay with what happened now. I mean i got my revenge that i needed. Now those two have no chance. This is the price he pays for what he's done. Do i feel guilty? Uh no.

I had just finished cleaning up. I had to take down the decorations from the Blood Moon Ball the other night. The worst night ever. That night was supposed to be the best night ever. Buuuuuuuuut noooooooo because Marco just had to get in the way.

I was just about to leave. I had to go to the Butterfly Castle. Star's mother wanted to talk to me again. I wondered why though. I was feeling kind of nervous. I shouldn't be feeling this way but i am. She is my mother in law after all.

Just i was about to leave things happened. I felt this sharp pain on my side. Then i heard the screaming.

"Oh no!" I said quickly.

I turned back and saw that Star had blasted me with her wand. Wasn't exactly the first time it's happened. It's still painful though.

"What did you do to us?!?!?!" She screamed.

"Damn it." I said to myself under my breath.

I needed to think of a lie and fast. She was really ready to destroy me. The look on her face was crazy furious. Marco had a look of confusion?

"I didn't do anything! What are you talking about?" I asked.

I had to pretend I didn't know what was going on. Truth be told i know what they are talking about.

"Tom! You tell me right now! Tell me before I decide to kill you!" She said. She had this crazy look in her eyes.

"No!" I said. " I don't even know what to tell you! Because I didn't do anything." I screamed back. I had to continue this lie.

Next thing i knew I practically ate the floor. My face was smashed against the tile. Star was on top of me hurting me. I had to try to keep calm. I was getting mad but I couldn't get to mad. If i lose my temper i might hurt Star. I can't do that. Queens orders... well mother in law's orders.

I started to think about what was said. Thinking about what was done. Thinking about that night only.


"Ugh! I'm going to destroy him! I will destroy Marco Diaz. Ima do it right now! Yeah ima do it right now! That dance was meant for me!!!"

I went and got into my dead horse carriage. Then went to Star's balcony. When i got there her room was dark. I assumed she was asleep. Either way I got down and walked in. When i got in there no one was in there. I wanted to find Marco. I quietly and quickly wanted  to find Marco.

I went checking ever room in the house. The first room i went into was Marco's parents bedroom. They were asleep. Then i checked the bathroom. After i check the hallway closet.

Then finally i came across Marco's room. I walked in and looked inside. I was expecting to find Marco sleeping or something. He wasn't sleeping though. However i did find someone in the room. It wasn't Star or Marco.

***Interrupted Memory***

"Star! I know you want answers but your not going to get them like this. You won't get any answers if you kill him." Marco said. "Look! Your close to nearly killing him."

My memory was interrupted by the sound of Marco's voice. Which was truly annoying. More annoying then Star's best friend Pony Head.

"Your known for lying in my book. Now tell me what you did to us!" Star screamed. "Before i p-"

"Now Star. Just calm down and maybe just maybe he'll tell us." Marco said calmly. "Now what did you do to us Tom!!!!" Marco yelled.

I wanted to laugh. In fact i wanted to do a lot of things. It was amazing to know that i knew what was going on.

"I have no clue what you two are talking about. I am willing to help you though so you can stop trying to kill me!" I yelled.

Now I didn't exactly like lying to Star but i had no choice. She will be mine. This plan is already in motion. There's no going back now. She doesn't exactly need to know.

I stared at Star. She scooted away from Marco. I knew what was going to happen. I wanted to see Marco fly across the ball room. Then be in so much pain.

"Look I don't know what's going on but seriously... you just need to calm down. Just tell me what's going on." I said lying once again.

"We can't touch each other." Marco blurts out.

I wanted to laugh. I wanted to say something about it.

I looked at Star. She just nodded then crossed her arms across her chest. Then she sat down next to me. Then next thing she laid down staring at the ceiling.

"Okay?" I said confused. "What exactly does that mean?" I ask.

My thoughts it's I already know. It's kind of my fault not really. There isn't really anything i can do about it. Your basically screwed  oh well. Star's all mine now. It's basically official. Says Queen Butterfly.

"Ugh! It means we can't give each other hugs. It means we can't even make any type of physical contact. It means from it all I'm covered in what looks like electricity. It means if we do end up making any type of physical contact then we get hurt." Star yelled at the top of her lungs.

"I have a feeling this is all you Tom!" She said. "You probably did this to us!"

She jumped up. Then jumped on me. She was pulling at my hair. Then stood up and kicked me again like she did before.

I was just going to let her take her anger out on me. After all she is going to hate everything that's going to happen soon. Might be a good thing for me but not for her.

To Be Continued...

(A/N): I hope you liked this chapter. I kinda enjoyed writing it. OH and outfit are going to be added next chapter

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