You catch him doing something hilarious and embarrassing

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You catch him doing something hilarious and embarrassing

Ashton: You went out for a while to get some much needed "you time" (not what you think it means perverts.) and treated yourself to lunch and a manicure. After spilling Coke on your shirt and knocking over the entire shelf of nail polish, you decided to get home to Ashton. "Ash!!! I'm home!" you yelled stepping inside. Nothing. Strange. You looked all over the house except for the lounge. As you neared the entry way, you could vaguely hear music. You turned the corner to see Ashton playing your Just Dance game. The song? Rich Girl by Gwen Stefani and Eve. You stood and watched silently as long as you could but when he started gyrating and moving his hips you lost it. You burst out laughing, breaking his concentration. "Y/N! You weren't supposed to be back for another hour!" Gasping for air you clapped loudly. "Bravo Mr. Irwin! That was absolutely hilarious and entertaining.   You should be on Dancing with the Stars." You seriously thought he'd be embarrassed. He just smiled and bowed. "Thank you! Gwen Stefani is my specialty." You giggled and hugged your somewhat sweaty boyfriend, but hey who's complaining? Everything was perfect until you saw the score on the screen. You pushed Ash out of the way and stared. "How the hell do you have a higher score than me?!?" His laugh was mischievous. "Guess I got the hips for it." You then turned around and punched him 27 times.

Luke: "Hey babe?" Luke asked nervously. You found him in the laundry room looking distressed. "What's the matter Luke?" He blushed and pointed to the washer. You gave him a "what did you do" look and walked slowly to the machine. You glanced back at him while he gave you a tiny smile. Peering into the washer you snorted. "Luke your underwear is pink." He sighed. "I know." You stared at him. "Um. What do you want me to do about it?" He shrugged. "Turn it not pink." "You can't reverse this Luke. It's permanently pink!" You giggled and threw a pair of bright pink underwear at him. He picked it up and placed it on his head. "This shall be my punishment for my stupidity." You laughed and hugged his waist. "Aw it's ok love. Everybody does it at least once." "Really?" You nodded and kissed his cheek. "I thought you were gonna be pissed!" You felt him relax under your touch. "Of course not! It's hilarious!" He smiled and detached your arms from his body. "Well then you're going to laugh about what happened with the dryer..."

Calum: "Ugh! Calum have you seen my black lace bra?! I need it!" You shouted from the bathroom fresh from your shower. "Uh no! Haven't seen it Y/N!" He yelled back. You swore you had it on top of your clothes. You sighed and wrapped a towel around yourself and went off in search of the black lace bra. Like a Nancy Drew mystery. After you'd checked the bedroom, laundry room, and living room, you gave up. So instead you went to find Calum to tell him you wouldn't be ready on time. "Hey Cal, I can't find it anywhere so-" He looked at you in shock. You looked at him with confusion. "Are- are those grapefruits?" you questioned. He looked down at the huge fruits stuffed in your black lace bra on his body. "Technically they're Pomelos." "What the fuck is a pomelo?" He shrugged. "Beats me." You nodded awkwardly. "May I ask why you're putting fruit in my bra?" He blushed and smirked. "Wanted to know what it feels like." You giggled and wrapped your arms around him. "You would make a sexy girl Hood, but I want my bra back. Without the fruit." He nodded and unclasped it. "Damn those things squeeze the life out of you!" he said handing you back your bra. "Don't get me started Calum."

Michael: Dating Michael was a blast! There was always food! And video games! Tonight was another night of gaming and stuffing your face with pizza and sugary snacks. What more could a girl want? After you died 6 times Michael called a timeout. "Babe I'm going to the restroom so I don't strangle you." he said getting off the couch. "I'm sorry Mikey! I'm trying my best." You protested. He smiled that cute smile of his and rubbed his thumb on your cheek. "I know." and with that, he left with a wink and a smirk. After 20 minutes, he still hasn't come back. "Probably the damn pizza." you muttered and pushed yourself off the couch. You walked towards the bathroom to see the door open. "Mike? You ok?" You peeked your head in and couldn't believe what you saw. He had found your tampons and was looking at one very intensely. He pressed the click thingy (I don't know what you want me to call it) and didn't expect it to come flying out, hitting him in the eye. "Aw fuck!" he shouted covering his eye. You snorted and laughed, holding your aching stomach. "M-Mikey what are you doing?" You said between bursts of laughter. He looked at you with his one good eye and giggled. "I have no idea." "Well what did you think was going to happen?" He pondered this for a moment before saying, "Something more fun than that." You opened your arms and welcomed him for a hug. He pouted and walked into your arms. "We are never buying those again." "Ok Michael. Whatever you say."

(Woop woop! First 5SOS preference!!!   thought you guys would like funny one to start off with! If anyone reads this.....o.O. So please send me message if you want me to write a pref for you!)

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