Ship (Giorgia)

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Name: Giorgia

Hair Color: Blonde curly hair

Eye Color: Blue

Hobbies: Volleyball and acting

Other: Veeery tall :) and Italian

Hi Giorgia! I'm writing this through Irene! Lol! Hi!!!

I ship you with: Calum

He loved that he didn't have to bend down nearly as far to kiss you :) He's always been quite weird when it comes to height differences, but with you, he's ecstatic! If you're ever feeling self concious about your height, he sputters and kisses you and says "I love how tall you are. There's not as much space to keep us apart." You'd always smile at his cheesy line, but it worked. Your eyes mesmerized him. The blue as clear as sparkling water. So when you cry, he has an urge to cry too because he never wants to see those blue eyes clouded. He's a big romantic and keeps you on your toes with kisses and random picnics. His hugs were defintely the best. Who doesn't want a Hood Hug?

Best Friend: Michael          Mikey was so supportive of everything you do. He would come and watch any plays you were acting in, and any volleyball games! He also loved learning about your Italian heritage. He'd ask you questions about everything! And I mean everything.

The One Who Has A Crush On You: Ashton      You knew Ashton had a crush on you. It was pretty obvious when he shouted it to the world from the tour bus..but that never stopped you from being around him! He was so sweet and open. He never hid anything from you and you were glad. It'd be hard not to have this ray of sunshine in your life.

The Brotherly One: Michael      Because Michael attends all of your events, it also makes him the brotherly one! He's the best :3

(I hope you loooove it Giorgia xD haha xx)

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