He's A Chihuahua

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So it was my Food Fight preference that said "you can request anything! even about him being chihuahua!". Well ladies........and maybe gentlemen, I've received the He's Chihuahuap reference! Thanks to XxMikeyGurlxX for commenting and requesting this. It's weird but oh well! Enjoy!

Ashton: "Aw Ashy! You're so adorable!" You cooed at your little chihuahua. You had tied a little bandana around his neck ;) which made him instantly cuter. He yipped and licked your nose. "I love you Ashton!" All of a sudden, the tiny dogs body began to transform! You screeched and hid behind the couch. "Y/N? Where did you go?" A mans voice called. You slowly peered around the couch to see a fully clothed, and incredibly hot, teenage boy. (Not for long :/) "What the- How the- Huh?" You stuttered standing up. He laughed and smiled. "Well I'm guessing you didn't expect that." You blinked a few times. "No!!!! You were a chihuahua!!!! How the hell did you do that?" You poked his muscular arms and tousled his curly hair. "I'm not entirely sure... I can't remember how it happened. But I remember hearing that the girl who loved me unconditionally as a dog had to say she loved me for me to transform.  But yes I was a chihuahua. But now....I'M A REAL BOY!!!" You glanced at the bandana still around his neck. "But....no. What am I supposed to do with you? I bought you for gods sake!" He opened his mouth and closed it. "How much did you pay for me?" You took a deep breath and played with your hoodie zipper. "$450." He raised an eyebrow and leaned in and kissed you. You pulled away after a few moments. "Why did you kiss me?" He smirked. "Well if you paid $450 for me, you should at least get a little something something."

Luke: You had just broken up with your boyfriend and you needed something happy in your life so you decided to buy a puppy! You arrived at the small apartment where they were selling the puppies. "Hi you must be Y/N! You're in luck! We have 4 puppies for you to choose from!" You smiled and followed the nice lady into the pen and saw the cutest chihuahuas you've ever seen. Getting on the ground, you sat and the puppies bounded over to you and started jumping all over you. All except one. You frowned at the dog and picked him up. He was a bit bigger than the others. "Hi puppy." You cooed. You brought his face up to yours and he locked eyes with you. All of a sudden he started licking your face. "Oy! Hi! No please not in my mouth! St-stop!" You giggled as the puppy showered you with kisses. "Looks like you found one!" You smiled and nodded at the lady. "I think I did." You ended up calling him Lucas! Luke for short. When you got home you expected him to pee on the carpet or something, but he didn't. He got up on the couch and patted the spot next to him with his paw. "Ok....a little weird." You said sitting down next to Luke. He placed his head in your lap as you stroked his ears. "You're a sweetie Luke." He licked your hand and closed his eyes. At bed time he climbed up on the bed with you which you didn't mind. You were having more fun with this little puppy than you ever had with your ex! The next morning you woke up with a huge smile on your face. You were about to get out of bed when you felt something on your waist. Looking down you realized it was an arm....AN ARM?!? You panicked and threw it off of you and jumped out of the bed. The owner of the arm was sleeping soundly on the other side of the bed. He was blonde.... and he had a nice torso....that's about all you could see. You picked up a stick toy thing that you bought for your puppy and poked the stranger. He groaned and swatted it away. You frowned and poked him again. This time he opened his eyes and looked at you. Holy Frick. So freaking blue. He smiled and stretched. "Morning." He said, his voice raspy with sleep. "Morning? Who the hell are you?" You yelled. His smile faded and he looked down at himself. "Um...you're probably wondering why you have a naked man in your bed." You blushed and ran a hand through your hair. "You think?! And why are you naked?!" He sat up and rubbed his eyes and yawned. "Well normally dogs don't wear clothes." What? "You're not a dog." He looked at you and gave you a sympathetic look. "Hi. I'm Luke. Well you named me Luke. But I like it so don't worry! I'm your new best buddy!"

Calum: "So you bought a chihuahua...." Your boyfriend asked you. You squealed and handed him the small dog. "Yeah! And his name is Calum!!!" He raised an eyebrow at you. "You named him Calum?" You shook your head and took Calum back in your arms. "No the last owner did and I don't want to change it and confuse him." He looked at you like you were crazy. "Ok you have fun with that..." "I will!" You took Calum up to your room and played with him. For some reason he kept rolling over to your bass guitar. "Calum! No! Come!" His ears dropped and he came into your lap. "Aw baby. I'm not mad! I just don't want you to knock that over and have it fall on you! You'd be squished!" You explained to a dog. A dog. You played with him for hours before it was midnight. You yawned and looked out the window. "Oh cool! Full moon! Calum c'mere!" You clucked. He was nowhere to be seen. You looked under the bed, in your closet, and in the bathroom. Nothing! "How the hell did you disappear?" You turned around and bumped into a tall, dark haired boy. You were about to scream when he covered your mouth and put a finger to his lips. "Let me explain." He told you everything. Everything from the curse to having to fake his death so no one would be suspicious. "So let me get this straight. On full moons...you turn into a chihuahua. Is this like some stupid Twilight kind of shit?" You asked. He laughed and started playing with your hands. "I guess you could call it that. It's not even a manly curse! I'm not a werewolf, I'm a fucking chihuahua!" You snorted and continued to talk to him. Over the course of a few weeks, you broke up with your boyfriend and started dating Calum the Chihuahua.

Michael: Crying your eyes out, you reached for another tissue and dabbed your eyes. You had severe depression and nothing, no one, could pull you out. Friends bailed. Grades failed. Relationships broke apart. You wanted to be alone, locked in your room with your music and laptop. Nothing else. Except for Mikey. The chihuahua you've had for years. He was the sweetest dog in the world. He was probably the only living thing that loved you and that you loved. You were sitting on the couch while Mikey was eating his food in the other room. The sobs wracked through your body making you shake uncontrollably. You tried to catch your breath but your lungs wouldn't let you. You heard Mikey's whines and you looked down at him and sobbed harder, burying your face in your hands. Mikey jumped up on the couch and instead of a small warm body curled up against you, two arms wrapped around you, pulling you into his chest. You didn't care. You kept crying and you clung on to him while he rubbed your skin shushing you quietly. He felt familiar. "Shh. Love take a deep breath for me." You did as you were told and took a somewhat deep breath. You were still shaky and sobbing. "Y/N I hate seeing you like this. I want to make everything better. I'm going to help you Ok?" You nodded and caught your breath enough to say one sentence. "W-Who are you?" He looked in your eyes with his bright green ones. "It's me. It's Mikey." You nodded and hugged his waist. You already knew it was him.

(Ok I'm dying! xD wtf?! Such weird preference! lol! But I'm obsessed with the Mikey one. love that one. need Mikey chihuahua. Anyways....thanks to XxMikeyGurlxX for the request! I'm sorry the Ashton one was quite short. But thought this preference was absolutely hilarious!!! xD woohoo 10k reads! love you xx)

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