What's Next?

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So here's the list of requests I've got left! Thanks fewfandoms for asking for an update!

He's A Unicorn

He's A Doctor

Pokemon Trainer

He's An Angel

He's An Animal

What He Does When You Have to Pee

You Accidentally Break Something of His

Backstory On How They Became Bagels

You Punch Someone (xD)

They're A Cat/Hybrid

Abstinance Till Marriage

Prank Goes Too Far

4 Michael Imagines

4 Luke Imagines

1 Ashton Imagine

1 Calum Imagine

My Chapter (Feat. Luke Hemmings)

Wow this list is quite long xD Looks like I've got a lot of writing to do ;) I hope I got everyone's on here! I'm in the process of really bad organization xD But don' worry, I will get it done!!! Love you guys xx Thanks for your patience and for bearing with me!

"Ok I'm excited for the animal one and the prank one. Why the hell must we go into details on how I became a bagel? Who requested that?! Bunch a freaks you are! But I love you. Despite your weirdness. And I've got an imagine...Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe." -Ashton

"4 Imagines? I'm popular. I'M A COOL KID!!!! And I think I'd make a great doctor. Watch this. SCALPEL!!! *drops it and screeches like a rat* Ok maybe not. Hopefully Kenzie will write me as a better doctor than that." -Luke


"This is weird. Really weird. So lemme get this straight...abstinance until marriage? I'm a cat/hybrid? And a Pokemon trainer? All at once? Or is it like different days? I'm confused. Shut up Luke." -Michael

"I didn't even say anything!!!!" -Luke


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