Ship (Lucy)

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Name: Lucy

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Blue/Green

Hobbies: I like watching TV and movies, reading, writing, and listening to music.

Other: I'm Irish :) I'm an only child so I love spending time with my cousins. I'm quite shy but I'm loud and crazy around people I know :)

Hi Lucy! You're message was so sweet! Thank you!!! I hope you like your ship <3 love you xx

I ship you with: Ashton    

Ashton is the perfect boyfriend. Always remembers important days and events in your life and never misses anything! He loves to spend the night on the couch with you, just watching movies and talking. His heart is bigger than his feet! He just loves you to death. His siblings Harry, and Lauren, are like your siblings! They love it when you come over and you always do stuff with them and take them out for ice cream. Ashton could never be so in love with you, you love his family just as much as he does. He gets along really well with your family too! Since you're really close to your cousins, they were basically the ones who saw him the most, and they loved him! He was very polite and very funny and won the hearts of your family. When he's away, he misses you so much :( So he'll send you snapchats that make you smile, laugh, or tear up. He never wants you to go a day without him saying he loves you, so he calls you every night, just to say those 3 words.

Best Friend: Michael       Michael loves that you get so crazy around him! He also loves when you talk because your accent facinates him. You have a blast playng video games with him and watching funny TV shows. Some nights, you'll fall asleep on him and he'll carry you to his bunk and let you sleep there while he sleeps on the couch. He's your best friend and you couldn't ask for a better one!

The One Who Has A Crush On You: Calum    Calum always seems distant around you. You couldn't tell if he hated you, or if he just didn't notice you. But that wasn't the case at all. Calum fell desperately in love with you and didn't know how to act around you. He was very nervous and didn't want to drive you away, even though he's doing that to himself.

The Brotherly One: Luke   Mr. Hemmings is the brother you've never had. He loves to tease you and boss you around, just to show you what having a brother would be like! But in all honesty, he's a cupcake and he can't keep a straight face when he's "mad" at you :3

(Hope you loooove it Lucy! xD Love you xx)

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