Ship (Martina)

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Name: Martina

Hair Color: Long brown hair

Eye Color: Dark eyes

Likes: Basket, One Direction, going out with friends, and the Harry Potter Saga

Hello Martina! I like the Harry Potter saga as well ;) hehe. xx

I ship you with: Calum

With Cal, you felt like he was also your very best friend. You could talk to him about anything really! From your rants about the HP books, to conversations you've had with your friends. Watching you get excited about the little things put a smile on Calum's face. The fact that he could cuddle you to death was also a plus. While he was touring with 1D, he brought you backstage to meet the boys and you flipped! Any way he could see you smile, he'd sure as hell do it. His hands always had to be on some part of your body, whether it be holding your hand, linking pinkies, linking arms, putting his arm around your shoulder, or around your waist. You were his and he was going to make sure everyone knew it!

Best Friend: Didn't you read the last paragraph? It's Calum you pie!

The One Who Has A Crush On You: Mikey   He liked when you came on tour with them because you'd always have your face stuck in a Harry Potter book, even if you've already read it 20 thousand times. You hung out with him quite a bit but you never noticed his crush. He didn't tell you because he didn't want to come between you and Cal.

The Brotherly One: Ashton    Mr. Irwin! Always telling you to do stuff! Just like that bossy older brother! You loved him, but damn. Sometimes he took it to far. For instance, last week he barged into yours' and Calum's shared hotel room and dragged you out, getting you a separate room. He didn't like to think about what you two were doing ;)

(Hehe hope you like it Martina! I hope you didn't think it sucked! Lol! xx)

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