He's An Angel (Pt 2 Muke/Clemmings)

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Here's part 2 of 'He's An Angel'! I hope you like it Mudbug95!!!!! xx

Luke: He closed his wings around your sleeping body and held you close. He kissed your forehead. "I love you Y/N." He looked around at the forest you were nestled in and smiled. The amount of magic surrounding the two of you brought out the light in him. Luke was making sure not to wake you as he interacted with the night magic. Faeries glowed in vibrant colors of blue, yellow, green, pink, and purple. The small lake was alive with mermaids and other creatures. Luke hesitated before gently shaking you awake.
"Y/N. Wake up love. You need to see this." He woke you up with his honey like voice and you stared into his cobalt blue eyes. He smiled his pearly smile and kissed your lips lightly. "C'mere and look at this." He whispered and pulled you into his lap with his wings covering the two of you, keeping you warm. You gasped and looked at the flittering faeries and the lights all over the forest. It was definitely a fantasy world you've never seen. "It's beautiful." You breathed. Luke rested his head on your shoulder and pointed a little off into the distance. "Look over there. Do you see it?" You followed his finger and saw what he was talking about. You blinked and faced him. "Is that what I think it is?" You asked. He smirked and nodded and pulled you up off his lap. "Would you like to go see it up close?" You nodded and took his open hand. He led you over to where you saw the creature.
"Ok hold your hand out slowly. She'll come to you." He whispered. You took a deep breath and reached your hand out. The Pegasus moved forward and rested her muzzle against your palm. She closed her eyes and ruffled her wings. You gently pet her and a smile spread across your lips. "She's amazing." You said quietly. Luke's hand covered yours while his other snaked around your waist. "Do you want to fly to the stars?" He asked against your hair. You stopped petting the Pegasus and turned into him. "Of course I would." You wrapped your arms around his waist and waited for him to lift off. He smirked and leapt into the air and you heard his wings beat behind him. He spun and twirled in the air gaining speed and climbing higher. He finally stopped and kept his wings at a steady beat. He held you close and danced with you across the sky. Your heart beat faster and faster with every twirl. His arms gripped you tight and he looked up at the stars.
"If I could fly all the way up there just to get you one of those stars, I would. For you." You glanced up and the sky lit up with the light of a thousand stars ( ;) ). "You'd bring me back a star?" You asked woozily. He nodded and twirled you again. "I'd do anything for you Y/N. I might have the wings, but you're my angel." He told you, looking into your eyes. You kissed his lips and felt his heart beating against yours. "I can't believe you're mine." He whispered. You blushed and bit your lip. "I can't believe I'm in love with an angel." You admitted. Luke smiled and played with the chain on your neck that he'd given you. "And I'm in love with the most beautiful girl in the world." He spun you around and leaned you over, dipping you slightly with a smirk on his face. "Don't worry. I won't let you fall."

Michael: You couldn't keep your eyes off of the boy with the purple hair. (I know it hasn't been purple for a long time but bear with me here) He just seemed so.... bad boy-ish I guess. The way he wore those black skinny jeans and the leather jacket was enticing. Everyone else thought so too. All the girls wore tight shirts and barely there shorts, hoping to get his attention. The guys wanted to hang out with him and get his approval. Sure he seemed really self involved and jerkish, but he still had a certain quality about him. You sat in front of him in Language Arts class and cursed when you couldn't just stare at him for the whole class period. You put your pencil to the corner of your mouth and listened to the teacher drone on and on. You weren't actually listening as much as you were daydreaming about Michael.
"Y/N? Michael? Would you like to read us this poem to demonstrate the passion felt in these words? We as an audience must feel what you're feeling. You will be doing this for a grade. Good luck." You held your breath and heard the squeak of the desk behind you and the clomping of combat boots. "You coming?" He asked stopping beside you. You nodded and stood up and walked towards the front of the class. The teacher handed you each a copy of the poem and sat down for you to begin.
Michael scanned the page over and waited for you to begin. You began shakily reading the title.

"How Do I Love Thee by Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of every day's
Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;"
You looked to Michael and he cleared his throat and folded the paper and shoved it in his pocket.

"I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love with a passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints, I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life! and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death."

He recited it perfectly. Word for word. Looking at you the whole time. The class was silent. Including the teacher. Including you. His voice was silky and hypnotizing and put everyone in a trance. Finally Ms. Reece cleared her throat and stood up. "Well. Y/N. Michael. That was....inspiring. I'm sure the class agrees that it was very well done." The rest of the students began applauding and you blushed while Michael smirked and winked.

The next day was rainy and dark and you hurried to the doors of the school running late. You tried opening them but they'd been locked. You groaned and ran around the side of the building, getting completely soaked. You noticed the purple hair over by the trees and you thought you saw a glimpse of a pair of purple and black wings. You walked closer and heard voices. 

"Calum you shouldn't be here. We could be seen." You heard Michael's voice clearly.
"What the hell are you doing in a dump like this anyways Michael? You're supposed to be capturing her. Not fraternizing with those mortals." The other boy spat.
"I'm working on it. And trust me. I hate fraternizing with them as much as you do. But I need more time." Michael snarled. You accidentally stepped on a twig and it made a loud snap. You froze and you heard footsteps before you saw them. Wings first then the eyes. The boy you figured was Calum smiled darkly and stepped forward, his bright purple eyes looking you over.
"Well well well. Michael you didn't tell me she was hot. It's a shame for it to go to waste." He clucked. You looked over in fear at Michael who's purple and black rimmed wings were spread. He blinked and his normally green eyes turned one black and one purple. He spoke with a thicker accent.
"You really shouldn't be out here alone."

(God damn feel like Michael's should be fanfic!!!! Holy crap! xD what did you guys think????? hope you liked it Mudbug95!!! Thank you so much for this really fun and cool request!!!!! Love you! xx

still am struggling, but just can't stop writing. It helps me alot :) hopefully it stays that way xxx)

"So Luke's is all 'aw cute and fuzzy' and then Michael's? PSH! Mind. Blown." -Ashton

"I'm so cute. I love it. I want to be an angel and take Y/N to the stars." -Luke

"COOL! CAMEO!" -Calum

"Aw shiet. I'm awesome. Continue with it. It's good for my image. *flexes and falls over*" -Michael

"It's good if that image is 'Dumbass'." -Calum

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