VACATION! (And a message from the boys)

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Alright guys! I'm done writing until I get back next Thursday! So don't worry! I won't be gone forever xD I will write as soon as I get back!!!!

Two days until the album is out in Australia!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDD

Six days until it's out just about everywhere!!!!!!!! :DDDDDD

And a little less than a month for the US, Mexico, and Canada!!!! Hang in there guys lol!!!!!

I really hope you guys are enjoying my preference book. It means a lot to me that you read it!

That's all for now! :'( I'll miss you guys! Write me letters or something. I dunno even comments work! ;) The guys will miss you too!!! They left a few messages for you ;)

"WhatWe're  leavingWhyI  like  it  hereFrowny  faceWell  I  guess  I'll  see  you  when  we  get  backLove  you  dorks."    -Ashton

"FinallyI  can  get  a  break  from  being  and  doing  weird  thingsLike  that  last  oneYikesBye  guysBuy  the  album  and  I'll  love  you  forever!"  -Luke

"I'm  gonna  miss  thisI've  had  funIt's  been  strangebut  funI  miss  my  chihuahua  body  though......I  got  away  with  everything  ;)  Love  youAlbumBuyYou. Bye."  -Calum

"Holy  ballsThere's  like  125  chapters  dedicated  to  usWhyAnd  what's  wrong  with  you?!  You  dirty  minded  people!  ShameI'm  a  little  freaked  out  by  you  guysBut  I  love  you  more  than  Luke  ever  will."  -Michael

"Michael's  lyingI  love  you  moreDon't  listen  to  him."  -Luke

"LukeShut  up."  -Michael

"You  shut  up!"  -Luke

"GodBoth  of  you  shut  upWe're  trying  to  leave  with  a  heartfelt  goodbye  but  noYou  guys  ruin  everything."  -Calum

"Sorry."  -Luke

"Yeah  sorry."  -Michael

"Thank  you  CalumAs  we  were  sayingBye  guysWe  love  you  more  than  anything  in  the  worldThanks  for  staying  by  us  and  supporting  usLove  you."  -Ashton

"That  was  beautiful  mate."  -Michael

"Yeah  it  wasWell  said." -Calum

"Wait  whatSorry  I  was  busy  eating  cheese  penguinsThey're  like  Goldfishbut  penguinsI  think  I'm  in  love."  -Luke

"Just.... noLukeleave."  -Calum

*Luke  has  left  the  chatroom*

"Thank  you  CalOk  this  has  gotten  out  of  handWe're  ending  thisGoodbye  you  lovely  peopleWe'll  miss  you."  -Ashton

*Calum, Michaeland  Ashton  have  left  the  chatroom*

*DrFluke  has  entered  the  chatroom*

"IT  WORKED!!!  MIKE-RO-WAVE  CAN  SUCK  IT!"  -Dr.  Fluke

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