The Bagel Backstory (150th Part!)

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Ashton: His P.O.V

It was a dark and stormy night..... no it wasn't. But that sounded dramatic didn't it? Anyways, it was actually a bright and sunny morning when I changed. I was visiting the small bakery down the street, wanting what every 20 year old guy would want. A dozen donuts. So I ordered my pastries and headed home, not knowing what was to come. I got home and opened the box of happiness and gasped in horror as I saw one bagel mixed in with the donuts. I never ordered no damn bagel. I stared at it for a few moments before I lifted it out of the box. It was a very different bagel from the others I've had contact with. It's exterior was flecked with what I thought was sparkles or something like that. There was an energy radiating from the bagel that I still can't describe. To do more investigating, I found a knife and sliced it in half and when it opened, a pink cloud of...something, exploded in my face. I started coughing, inhaling the pink something. At first I didn't think much of it, but then my body started to shrink and mold into a different form. It kinda hurt. But the pink something went to my head and I saw pretty lights and forgot about the pain. I know you don't believe me, but this really happened. When I regained consciousness I couldn't feel anything or move anything. I was terrified. I started screaming for help, which was totally pointless because I lived alone at the time. So I spent 5 days as a bagel before someone came looking for me. Eventually Luke showed up and ate 4 donuts before noticing me on the floor. I screamed again and he didn't understand that the bagel was actually a person. He shoved me back in the box and carried it out to the car and threw me in the backseat. I didn't know where we were going. When the car stopped, I saw the sign. Kenzie's Bakery. If I had visible eyes on my bagel exterior, they would've been widening right about now. Luke opened the door and took out my box and carried us to the bakery entrance. He set me on the counter. "Excuse me? Uh my friend came here...I don't know when, but I haven't seen him since. This is his order. Barely touched...besides 4 donuts. Anyways, have you seen him around?" The person at the counter shrugged and set the box to the side. Another employee didn't know what was going on, so she thought my box was a faulty order and placed all of us back. I sat in that display case for 3 years. Yes 3 years. They didn't have a very good health inspector. And now it's 3 years later, and I'm here with you! Tada!

Your  P.O.V

You stared at him and opened your mouth to say something, but then shut it. You stood up and sat back down. "I don't know what to do with that information."

Luke: Luke Hemmings was bitten by a rabid bagel. They're vicious. True story. He transformed about an hour after it happened. His life has never been the same. Each night after 10 pm, he becomes... the bagel.

Calum: "So how did you turn into a bagel?" You asked the pumpernickel circle. He was silent for a moment. "I have no idea." You giggled. "Well what's the last thing you remember before you turned into a bagel?" You questioned. "Oh boy. I was talking to a woman. I can't remember her face or name. But I remember an evil laugh and that was it." He said. You blinked. "Really that's it? No superhero kind of plot? You're a boring ass bagel." You said. "Psh! Hey! Evil laugh? C'mon! That's got to mean something right?" You raised an eyebrow. "Like what kind of laugh though? Like a mwahahaha? Or a heeeeheeeeheeee!!!" You demonstrated. "It was more of a EEEHEEEHEEEHAHAHA!" He added. "Oh so like this? MWEEEHAHAHAHOOO!" You tried again. "No you gotta let it come from your chest. EEEEEHAAAAHOOOOHEEE!!!!" He directed. You nodded and took a deep breath. "HOOOOHEEEEEMWAAAAAHAAAA!" You yelled. He laughed. "Yes you got it! HAHAHAHAEEEEEEEEHEEEEHAAAAOOO" You went back and forth for about 20 minutes, just practicing your evil laughs. "EEEEHEEEEHEEEEEEAAAAA!!! So all you remember is an evil laugh? Did it just poof! Happen?" You asked. "Yeah..... After that I pretty much blacked out."

Michael: "Well, I'm a bagel." Michael said. "Yeah we kind of already established that."

(Sorry  it  wasn't  muchBut  150  CHAPTERS  GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!  It  wouldn't  have  happened  without  you  :)  You  come  up  with  the  weird  ones  xD  I  hope  you  guys  have  loved  these  150  chapters  as  much  as  I  have Love  you  #kenziesarmy  ;)

"I  love  how  mine  is  all  detailed  and  informationaland  the  rest  of  you  guys  are  idiotsTHE  ALBUM  IS  OUT  EVERYWHEREGRAB  THE  NUTELLA AND  VEGEMITE!!!"  -Ashton

"Mine  sounds  like  a  movie  trailerJust  read  it  in  that  deep  dramatic  voice  and  you'll  totally  hear  itIt's  pretty  epicThe  album  is  out  in  the  USCanadaand  MexicoO.o"  -Luke

"EEEEHEEEEEHEEEEHAAAAHOOOO!!!!!!!!!!  THE  ALBUM  IS  OUT  FOR  YOUHey  look  at  thatI  rhymed  too.  ;)"  -Calum

"Am  I  too  predictableI  feel  like  I'm  the  one  that  gets  cut  off  just  as-"  Michael

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