Ship (Erin)

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Name: Erin
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green/blue
Hobbies: Listening to music, sleeping, eating, video games, and exercising.
Nicknames: Bubbles or Ezza
Other: Loves cuddles, pizza, and ice cream

Hello Erin! Thanks for all the info! I know exactly who you belong with ;)

I ship you with: Michael   

Because you share almost everything in common, Mikey knew he'd have to have you! He spent a few months trying to convince you to go on a date with him and eventually you said yes. He brought you to his house, ordered a pizza, set out some ice cream, and the two of you had endess battles on his XBox. It's been a year and you couldn't be more in love. He listens to everything you have to say and when you cry, he pulls you into his lap and rubs your back until you start to calm down. You're both so lucky to have each other. Bet you're glad you said yes ;)

Best Friend: Calum      Whenever Michael isn't around, you can always count on Calum to cheer you up! He enjoys the same video games as you do and will constantly try to beat you. He never does :P He's a lot of sun to be around and you're so glad you have him.

The One Who Has A Crush On You: Ashton     You've actually know for a while that Ash has a crush on you. Mostly because he's told you and he's not exactly shy. It wasn't really awkward for you two considering you saw each other every day, but Ash still has those feelings for you that can't seem to go away. 

The Brotherly One: Luke     The title of brother went to Luke hands down. The fans always said you two looked alike because of the blonde hair and light eyes. Luke thought it was adorable and hasn't stopped calling you his sister since! He was a lot of fun and he truly did care for you.

(Thanks Erin! Hope you like it xx)

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