He Finds Out Your Kid Is Gay

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Hi guys!!! I've done something a little different for this one....;) I have asked my best friend (Anthony is fucking amazing guys.) And his username is rainbownewyorker if you want to talk to him lol! He's going to help me write this preference :D I'll have him come on every once in a while just for fun. Hope you guys enjoy our shenanigans! Love you xx

Ashton: (His P.O.V) 5SOS was performing at a music festival in Australia this year and there was a total of 5 shows that evening. It was the final show and we were giving it our all. It was especially nervewracking because my son was supposed to be coming at some point. Though strangely, I haven't seen him yet. At the end of the show I decided I wanted food. Duh. So I walked around the plethora of food stands and could not decide what I wanted. I saw Calum go for the hot dogs and Michael towards the pizza. Shocking. Luke was carrying more than one plate of...I couldn't really tell what it was. I decided to go for something more exoctic. I bought myself a Slurpee and decided to mix that with some chips that I had picked up at the gas station a few days earlier. I then sat down and consumed my meal, only to find that it tasted like shit. Soon after the shit fest, I really needed to take a dump. After a fierce battle, I left the bathroom only to see a crowd of people gathering by a stage. (I'm so sorry. Anthony definitely has a different writing style xD) I raised an eyebrow and went to check it out. The stage started to light up and a drag queen walked onstage, looking rather attractive, and the crowd cheered. I shrugged and sat down to 'appreciate' the show. Huh. They weren't all that bad! Very well done if I say so myself. The first one came out in a bedazzled dress, kind of like Lady Gaga's. The second came out like Katniss in a black hawk dress that rather lit up her eyes. (Anthony is actually gay so he's enjoying this xD) The third one came out in a vibrant gold and silver dress with a beautiful brooch. I then proceded to look at her makeup, only to find that the face looked very familiar. Upon closer examination I realized it was my son....(This one was written by...ANTHONY!!!)

Luke: Your son stood anxiously in front of you and Luke and fiddled with his thumbs. "Mom? Dad? Can I tell you something without you wanting to obsess over it?" He asked. You nodded and Luke raised his eyebrows. "I don't like where this is going....did you get a girl pregnant?! If you did I'm going to beat you with a blender." You snickered and slapped him to pay attention. Your son's eyes widened and he shook his head vigorously. "No dad! Nothing like that." Luke relaxed and sighed. "Ok then. I can handle anything now." Your son scratched his head and blurted it out. "I'm gay!" You sat unfazed and looked at Luke who was also quite relaxed. "Son, it's actually a little obvious. Especially when you're on the phone with your friends saying how hot another guy is." You said. Luke agreed and smiled at him. "We don't care who you love! As long as you really like that person, I'll like them too." Luke answered. Your son just blinked and looked from the two of you. "Seriously? You're not going to yell "SATAN TAKE HIM AWAY!!"?" You burst out laughing and got off the couch to hug him. "Of course not! We love you! Plus, it's Satan's day off so he wouldn't come anyways." Your son snorted and hugged you back. "Thanks mom." You nodded and moved so Luke could get to him. "I'm proud of you Alex. You're a good son. You'd make a great boyfriend for another guy. Wow that was really awkward. I'm so sorry." You giggled and watched as Luke the awkward penguin hugged the awkward turtle that was your son. (This one was written by.....KENZIE!!!)

Calum:  "Honey our first born is interested in man-man relationships." You look at Calum with a puzzled expression. "What, what do you mean man-man relationship.....you mean gay?" You replied dumbfounded. "No I mean man-man relationship, because I will not subjugate him to that term." Calum replied with a smidge of attitude "Oh well i didn't mea-" "Want to bet?" Calum said interrupting you with a mischievous smile. "Wha-, yes i do." You replied

                                                                                              *Later That Day*

"So, how are you enjoying dinner honey?" You say in an awkward tone. "Umm...fine filling I guess...why?" Yoshi (Calums son) replies. "Oh no reason just wondering. So what did you do today?" You ask in a caring tone. "Oh nothing some buddies and i just went swimming." Yoshi inquired. "Oh and who were these buddies? Are they from school?" You state in a excited manner. "Yeah they are. Mom what's with the weird questions?" Yoshi asks in a curious voice. "Oh, nothing just wondering." You look over at Calum to see that he is trying hard not to laugh. "Okay I think I know what this is about." Yoshi states. "Is this about me finding your stash of cake? Because if it is you should have told me. I mean why keep that a secre-" "ARE YOU GAY?!?" You say in an 'upbeat' tone. "I prefer man-man relationship." Yoshi replies in an annoyed voice. "Told you!" Calum replies in a smirky tone. "I heard him and another guy on the phone." Calum went on. "Wait what is going on? Did you guys BET ON ME?!" Yoshi replied in a...tone "Well yeah i wanted some extra money. speaking of..." Calum states in a mischievous manner. "Ugh, here." you reply rolling your eyes. "Here Yosh go get yourself something pretty." Calum says practically dying of laughter. "DAD! Oh my god!" "Love you!" You and Calum reply simultaneously. (This one was written by ANTHONY!!! And edited by Kenzie...)

Michael: Last week, Michael had walked in on your daughter Roxy making out with her 'girlfriend'. Let's just say he hasn't gotten quite used to it yet, and Roxy is taking full advantage of it. Mikey was sitting on the couch scrolling through Twitter when she walked in and sat next to him. "Hey dad. Guess what?" She asked poking his cheek over and over. He looked at her from the corner of his eyes and smiled. "What?" She continued to poke him. "I'm gay!" She yelled. Michael shook his head and chuckled. "You will not shut up about this will you?" She thought for a moment. "Nope. Not even a little bit. DAD I'M A LESBIAN!!!!!!!" She screeched. Michael pushed her over and laughed. "Stop! Or I will duct tape you to the wall! Including your big ass mouth!" He threatened jokingly. Roxy giggled and nudged him with her shoulder. "Dad my girlfriend came over and she kissed me and I was like 'oh my-" Michael slapped his hand over his daughter's mouth. "YOU'RE DONE TALKING!" She was still talking, muffled by his hand and didn't care. "Look! I'm happy you found a...girlfriend, but I don't need to hear all the details!" He explained. She shut up and looked at him with wide eyes and moved his hand. "You're happy for me?" She asked. He smiled and hugged her. "Of course I am baby. I'm glad you found someone that loves you for who you are. Plus, you got me as a dad. I'm pretty fucking awesome." Roxy snorted and hugged her dad back. "I love you daddy." "Love you too." (This one was written by....KENZIE!!!)

(Thanks fewfandoms for this request!!! It was a blast to write! I apologize for myself and my friend xD But we had a lot of fun!!! If you guys liked him, he will come back every once in a while ;) Love you xx -Kenzie

HEY thanks guys for allowing me to help write this! I hope you like it! And thank you Kenz without you billiant minds yall wouldn't be able to understand my grammer. XD stay fanny <3 -Anthony)

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