Mom Finds A Condom

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Mom Finds Condom! Requested by littlerouge16 :) thanks for the idea love <3

Ash: You giggled as Ashton's fingers danced across your naked stomach. "I love you Y/N. I hope I didn't hurt you too badly." You looked into his hazel eyes. Today was the first time you and Ashton had gone all the way. It was your very first time. Ashton took it slow with you, trying hard not to cause you pain. It definitely was a feeling you weren't used to, but once the pain ebbed it felt amazing. "I'll be alright Ash. Thank you for going slow." He smiled and kissed you deeply. "We should probably get dressed before your mom comes back." You looked at the time. Ashton sighed and climbed on top of you. He kissed your neck a few more times before handing you your clothes.

Once you were both sure you looked like you hadn't just had sex, you made your way downstairs to the couch. You snuggled into Ash's side and he put his arm around you, flipping the TV on. You were about halfway through an episode of Scrubs (if you've never seen that show, you need too. its hilarious.) when you heard his mom's voice. "Hey Ash! Y/N I haven't seen you in a few days! I was getting worried!" You giggled and said hello. She hugged her son and smiled at the two of you on the couch. "Oh Ash I got you another pair of jeans since you ripped the other ones. Boys. So I'm going to go put them on your bed Ok?" He nodded. She left the two of you and went upstairs. "I wish we had more time to be together." Ash whispered and started kissing your jaw and neck. "Ash...Your mom is upstairs. Shh." He chuckled and squeezed you. "Alright. I'll stop." You smiled and stroked his arm. You were about to kiss when you heard a throat being cleared. You both turned to see Ashton's mom holding an all too familiar wrapper. Ashton's eyes widened and you blushed deeply. "Although I'm not thrilled about you two having sex in this house, I'm glad you used protection. Y/N did he treat you like a gentleman?" Ashton's mouth fell wide open. "Mom!" She raised her eyebrow at her son. "Baby I know how men are. I'm asking an appropriate question! So Y/N did he?" You were too shocked to say anything so you just shook your head. "Good. Just let me know if he ever crosses a line." She left you and Ashton staring after her. "Next time, we're going to a motel." He muttered.

Luke: "Well that was fun." Luke said breathing heavily. You nodded and ran your hand up his toned chest. "That was amazing Luke. How'd you learn to do that?" You asked still seeing stars. "Uh...Michael gave me a few tips....ahem." You snorted and kissed the hollow of his neck, making him open his mouth and moan. "Well tell him I said thank you." He nodded slowly with his mouth still slightly open. You smirked and bit down lightly. He groaned and tangled his fingers in your hair, pulling your lips as close to him as possible. You pulled away to look at his face, and licked your lips. "God I'm about to attack you again." He growled and pushed you back on the bed and hovered over you. "Do you know what you do to me?" He dipped his head to your collarbone and kissed you while his hands ran up and down your body. You bit your lip and arched your neck. He moved down your body very slowly making you anxious for him. He was about to put his tongue in you when you both heard a car door close. "Shit." He sat up and grabbed you by the waist, pulling you off the bed. "Where should I go?" You panicked. He looked around his room and pointed to the closet. "Stay in there until I come get you Ok?" You nodded and picked up a pair of Luke's boxers and a T-shirt and went to hide in the closet.

(Luke'sP.O.V) I quickly pulled on my pajama pants and made up the bed. I paced the floor trying to hide all the evidence of mine and Y/N's "adventures". Shit. I looked down at myself and well...let's just say my "situation" hasn't relieved itself. I crawled into my bed trying to cover my ahem. As soon as I got it covered, my bedroom door opened. "Hi Lukey. How are you feeling? Still have an upset stomach?" I put on my sick face and nodded. "Yeah. It's not getting any better." She gave me a look of sympathy and came to kiss my forehead. "You feel really warm. And honey you're sweating! Are you sure you don't have a fever?" I gulped and thought of something quick. "Uh...I-I might. You should go get the thermometer." She kissed my cheek and started to walk towards the door. Almost got away with it. She stopped dead in her tracks and stared at something on the ground. "That better not be what I think it is." She said, anger present in her voice. I looked over the side of the bed and there it was. The used condom that ruined my life. I looked at my mom in horror and she shot me daggers. "Lucas Robert Hemmings! I am disgusted! You lied to me! And to top it all off, I came back after you...after you sexed up your girlfriend! And I thought you had a fever but....I don't even want to think about what you were doing! So wherever she's hiding, find her and send her home! You won't be seeing anyone for 2 weeks." She finished and slammed my door shut. I looked at the door in shock. The closet door slowly opened and Y/N came out. "I'm so sorry Luke." She said looking mortified. I sighed and stood up off of my bed and walked over to her. I put my hands on her hips and kissed her forehead. "It was my fault. Don't worry." "But I can't see you for 2 weeks." She gave me a pouty face which made me chuckle. I brushed the hair out of her eyes and smiled. "We'll find a way." She nodded and hugged my waist. My mom's voice cut through the moment breaking me and Y/N apart. "NO YOU WON'T LUCAS!"

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