He Gets Even (Michael)

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Your heart still ached every time you thought about Michael. You find yourself missing his touch, his kiss. But that's all in the past now. You two started fighting a lot the past few months of your relationship which took a toll on your feelings for each other. Ever since you split up, you regretted every stupid fight. "Y/N? You ready to go?" Your boyfriend Mason asked putting his hand on your shoulder. You snapped out of your pathetic 'what ifs' and nodded. Mason was taking you to the new club downtown for some drinks and dancing. As you walked towards the car, you replayed in your mind Michael's expression when he saw you with Mason. He looked so devastated. At the time you were glad because you had found someone that loved you. Now you felt like a bitch. "Y/N chop chop. Let's go!" Mason snapped. Obviously your taste in guys was clouded. You slid into the car and waited for the night to be over.

"Y/N dance with me!" Mason pleaded with the stench of liquor on his breath. "Maybe later." you replied sipping a soda. If you were here with Michael, he wouldn't be drinking because you weren't legal yet and he would drink soda with you and laugh about the drunken mishaps throughout the club. Being with Mason was different. He was a year older than Michael and was definitely the part type. To him it didn't matter if you were underage, he'd still drink and ignore you. Why did you stay with him? He made you forget the pain of losing Michael. You sighed as you watched your boyfriend grind against other girls. The sad thing is, it didn't bother you. You just felt numb. You looked around the club looking at all the interesting faces when your heart stopped. His hair was a different color since you last saw him. It was dark with a tinge of red. He looked amazing. He was wearing a plaid flannel that made his green eyes pop with black skinny jeans. He looked happy. It killed you. "Y/N can you order me another shot?" Mason stumbled towards you. You steadied him and helped him sit on the stool next to you. "Thanks!" He slurred. You nodded and smiled weakly. You looked back over to where Michael was standing and saw him looking right at you. You held your breath and watched his smile fade. He took one last glance at you before he grabbed the blonde next to him and pulled her into a kiss. He's moved on.

The whole night consisted of half-glances and the pang of jealousy. You didn't know this, but he still loved you. He thought you had moved on so he was trying to make you jealous. Every time you caught Michael's eye something still clicked between you two. Even if you weren't with each other. "Y/N stop staring at that dick!" Mason yelled in your face. "Mason you're drunk. Calm down." That just made him more upset. "Don't tell me to calm down whore! I'm older than you so don't think you can tell me what to do! I'm only with you because of the ass I get!" His voice escalated earning looks from nearby party goers. His words stung. "Mason stop! You're being a jerk!" You hissed. "Oh I'm being a jerk?! Well listen here bitch! You need to shut up before I shut it for you!" He screamed. Before you could answer Michael came between you and Mason and put his hand on Mason's shoulder. "Leave her alone. She doesn't deserve this." Mason blinked at him. "She needs to learn her place!" He retorted. "Which is where exactly? Because it seems to me that you're taking advantage of her." Michael said laughing dryly. "So what if I am?" Mason belched. "So what? A real man would treat Y/N like a princess. A real man would be there for her when she needs him. A real man would tell her how he feels about her on a daily basis. So you can either you can man up, or I'll be more of a man than you are and take her out of your sight. It's your call." Michael clenched his jaw not taking his eyes off of Mason. "Psh. Take her! She was useless anyways." That set Michael off. He laughed and punched Mason in the face. "Damn right I'll take her." He muttered and turned to face you. Your heart was racing. "Michael? Why did you stand up to him?" He sighed and ran his hands through his hair. "I-I'm still in love with you Y/N. Nothing can change that. Not even this jackass." He said jerking his thumb towards the drunk on the floor. "You still love me? But you're here with that girl." You said quietly. "I was trying to get you back. Make you jealous. It killed me to see you with him. I saw it fit to do the same to you. I'm sorry." You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck. "Thank you. For standing up to Mason, not for making me jealous. I'm still sick to my stomach about that." He smiled and pecked your lips. "Does this mean you'll come back to me?" He asked. "I never left."

(Holy crap guys!!! Over 1,700 reads! Thank you! So as thank you here is Mikey's version of He Gets Even! I've gotten some messages about his chapter so voila! Love you guys xx Keep reading and requesting!)

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