Scary Maze (His Reaction)

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Thank you fivesaucethough for this awesome request!!! I hope you like it!

Ashton: "Here just play it! I promise it's a lot of fun!" You encouraged Ash. He raised an eyebrow and his mouse hovered over the start button. "Are you sure? I feel like something's going to happen." He said suspiciously. You rolled your eyes and clicked the button. "Now play." He shrugged and made his way through level 1. "This is easy! Why am I playing this?" He asked. "Oh trust me. It will get a lot more interesting." You said with a smirk. Ashton was now on level 3. He began clicking randomly all over the place. He started touching the red walls and you braced yourself. Within seconds, the face from the Exorcist popped up. Ashton let out a scream and tipped his chair over. You busted up laughing as he scrambled to get out of the room. "AWWW HELL NO!!!" He screeched and tripped over his own feet. You laughed hysterically and watched his frantic movements. "Why?!?! Why did you make me play that satanic game?!?" He squeaked from the floor. You tried to catch your breath but it was hard considering he was tangled up with his own legs. "Y-You screamed! A-And you fell! Twice! Oh my god what a day to be alive!" You cackled. Ashton glared at you and stood up. "It's not funny. I almost died." He said seriously. You sputtered and started laughing again. "Your face!!!!!! This is the best thing I've ever done!!!!! I deserve a medal or McDonald's!!!!!" You yelled. He sniffed and gave the computer a death glare. "Fine. I'll take you to McDonald's. I will admit that was a good one. But I'm going to change my pants first." You fell on the floor and laughed so hard you started crying. "Shut up. It scared me."

Luke: "C'mon Luke. The coast is clear." You said to your shaking boyfriend. "N-No creepy exorcist girls? Or screaming?" He asked softly. You shook your head and smiled. "Nope. Just me." He took a deep breath and clasped your hand. You guided him downstairs to the kitchen, Luke holding onto you. "Ok. See? You're totally fine! Now would you like me to make you spaghetti?" He played with the sleeves on his hoodie and nodded. "I can do that." You said kissing his cheek. He smiled faintly and looked around, paranoid. "Luke I promise you're safe here. I'm sorry Michael showed you that. He's an ass. But I won't let anything happen to my Hemmo." He grinned at his nickname and wrapped his arms around you. "I love you Y/N." You smirked and hugged him. "Yeah I know. It's hard not to love me." He snorted and let you go. "Normally I'd argue, but it's completely true. So I'm going to let it go." You giggled and started putting water into a pot. "Good. Can you get out the cheese and sauce for me babe?" You asked. He nodded and pushed up his sleeves. He got the cheese out of the fridge and set it on the counter. "The sauce is in the pantry right?" He questioned. You nodded and set the stove top on high. Luke walked over to the pantry and opened the door and let out a high pitched scream. You dropped the pot of water and ran to see what happened. "Oh my god Luke what happened?!" You yelled finding him sprawled on the floor. The pantry door was wide open and you saw a figure standing inside. He removed his mask and looked concerned, but also like he could burst out laughing any second. "Michael Gordon Clifford!!!!! What the fuck are you doing?!?!" You screamed at him. He stepped out of the pantry and avoided Luke's motionless body. "I think I may have gone too far." He muttered. You whacked him upside the head. "You think?!" Luke groaned and stirred a bit. "Auntie Em? Is that you?" He mumbled. You rolled your eyes and bent down and ran your hand through Luke's hair. "Hi Lukey. Are you alright?" You asked softly. He groaned again and sat up. His eyes slowly went to the lilac haired boy and he let out a little squeal. "Relax Luke. I'm done." Michael said and dropped his mask on the floor. Luke stared at it and poked it. "Fucking scary maze man."

Calum: He stared at the screen as you clicked away, moving through levels quickly. You already knew what was coming, but you thought you'd see if Calum expects it. "Wait wait wait! Go over there!" He shouted, pointing at the right side of the screen. You followed his finger and easily moved onto level 4. He looked so proud of himself. That wouldn't last long. A smile started tugging at your lips as you neared the red mark. "Yes yes yes!!!! We're totally going to beat this thing!" He cheered. Man he was really into the game. Hehe. You hit the red square and the creepy face popped up and Calum screamed and threw his shoe at the screen, it bouncing back and hitting him in the face. "Oh fuck!!! Shit! What the fucking hell was that?!?!" The face popped up again and he grabbed his glass of water and splashed it on the computer screen. The water reached the plug and sparks flew, causing the power to go out. "Calum!!!! For gods sake!!! Stop throwing things at the computer!!!!" You yelled surrounded by complete darkness. "Sorry." He said quietly. You sighed and found your phone and lit up the room. You saw Calum sitting on the chair with his arms wrapped around his knees. "Cal? You Ok?" He blinked and shook his head. "I feel....sad." You raised your eyebrows. "Why are you sad?" He stared blankly at you. "I just killed that poor girl. I know she was possessed or whatever, but she was a little girl." You stifled a laugh and rubbed his arm. "Calum. It was a computer game. You didn't kill anyone. You killed a computer. And your own face with your shoe. She's not real." He nodded and jumped out of his chair and tackled you to the ground. You squealed and giggled. When he fell on top of you, you went 'oof' and he grinned at you. "That was for scaring the crap out of me." You rolled your eyes and kissed his lips. "I didn't think you'd be that extreme about it though. The water? Really Calum? What made you think it was a good idea?" You asked. He shrugged. "It worked on the wicked witch of the west. I thought it would work on that demon." You snorted. "Ok and the shoe? Didn't that hurt?" He blinked and thought about it. "It was my sole purpose. It just felt right."

Michael: "I know it's a scary maze Y/N. I've done it before. It's not scary." He said crossing his arms. "C'mon Mikey! Please? It might be different!" You pleaded. He sighed and took a seat next to you on the couch. "Ok. I'll play. But only because you're too cute to be real." He muttered. You wrapped your arms around his waist. "Awh. Mikey you're so cuddly." He grinned and started the game. "Ew. Couple moments." Luke entered the room and sat on the other side of Michael. "Shut up Luke." Michael said. "Whatchya doing?" Luke wondered, peering over Michael's shoulder. "Scary maze." Luke winked at you and you fought back a smile. "Oh cool. Do you know when it's supposed to happen?" Luke asked. Michael had already finished the first 3 levels. "It should be level 4 or 5." You commented. You all watched intensely as Michael moved through the mazes swiftly. "Ok it should be any second now." Michael mumbled. You started to move away from Michael and Luke kept his position. Just then, the girl popped up and screamed. At the same time, Ashton jumped out from the curtains with a mask and screamed like a maniac. "FUCKING FUCK NO!" Michael started and his arms went flailing about, throwing the laptop on the ground and accidentally punching Luke in the face. "Holy shit!!!" He shouted and you and Ashton started laughing. Luke was holding his face in his hands. "Gotcha!" Ashton yelled taking off the mask. You giggled as Michael caught his breath and glared at Ashton. "Did you plan this?" He hissed. Ashton shook his head and looked at you. Michael's head turned slowly towards you. "Y/N?! You set me up?" You smiled widely and laughed. "Yes! Yes I did Mr. 'I'm not afraid of anything because I expect everything!'" He blinked and narrowed his eyes. "This isn't over. You've started a war." He growled. You raised an eyebrow. "That's what you said when we were throwing paper at each other at IHOP." He stuck his tongue out at you and Luke moaned. "Uh guys? I think Michael dislocated my face."

(Poor Luke. Michael's so mean to him xD I hope you liked it fivesaucethough!!!! I love you babe!!!)

"I'm in need of new pants. Also I scared Michael. It's been a busy day." -Ashton

"I always get hurt. Even if the story's not about me. Curse you Michael Clifford. I will have my revenge." -Luke

"Uh sorry about the computer Y/N. And about the really bad shoe pun. It was awful. I should really do some sole searching..." -Calum

"Damn! I got Luke twice! Sorry dude! Hehe. No I'm not. I'm still not thrilled with you Y/N." -Michael

"Oh god Calum. Stop." -Ashton

"How did the alien tie his shoe?" -Calum

"Ooh what?!" -Luke

"NO! Luke! Now he's going to tell us!" -Michael

"With an astroknot." -Calum

"I hate you." -Michael

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