Opening Act

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This  preference  was  requested  by  Amandamendoza13  !  Thank  you  so  much  for  requesting  honHope  you  like  itxx

Ashton:You looked out into the crowd, tears threatening to spill. They were singing your lyrics. You strummed your guitar and listened to the audience sing your words back to you. It was amazing. You finished the song with a flourish and smiled at the thousands of people. "That was incredible guys! I'm getting a little emotional! Now I have one more song for you that's a bit more upbeat! It's called 'Deeply'!" The fans that knew you, screamed louder than before. You switched out your acoustic for your stratocaster and began strumming. "know you've heard it before, but just gotta say it. You think you know the score so let's replay it. You've got that attitude that drives me crazy, look into your eyes and everything goes hazy.

Oh no it's happeninagain! The way you linger on my skin when haven't seen you for days. The way you lead me through the dark like I'm in some kind of maze. Why can't just push you away? But to tell you the truth, I'm deeply in love with you anyways." The crowd roared randomly and you turned to see Ashton and the boys come on stage and began dancing. You giggled and walked towards Ashton and he helped you sing the next verse. The audience screamed when the two of you harmonized perfectly. The rest of the boys continued to dance like dorks to the rhythm of your song. When you finished the song, Ashton leaned over and kissed you on the cheek. "Give it up for the beautiful and talented Y/N!" He yelled in the microphone. You blushed and waved. Before you knew it, Calum, Luke, and Michael were dancing around in their underwear, spraying you and Ashton with silly string.

Luke: Tonight was the first night of the tour and you were beyond nervous. You looked at the stage and took deep breaths. You felt two hands gently clasp your shoulders and squeezed. "Just relax. You'll do great! You're an amazing performer." Luke assured you. You grinned and faced him. "Thanks Luke. Do you have any advice?" He furrowed his brow and thought about it. "Well you could always pretend you're on your own, singing in the shower. You could drink two Red Bulls like Calum does and just spaz out. Or you could ask one of the other boys because I am no help whatsoever." You snickered at him and went to sit on the couch backstage. Luke followed and sat next to you and pulled your legs into his lap. He began prodding your legs trying to tickle you. You squirmed and wiggled to get him to cease his extreme attempts. His radiant smile spread across his face as he laughed. You slapped away his hands and snorted. "That's enough Hemmings!" You declared. He stopped and lifted an eyebrow. "Did you just call me Hemmings?" You smirked and nodded. "That I did Hemmings!" He pouted and squeezed your leg making you squeal. "Gotcha!" You narrowed your eyes and kicked him lightly in the stomach. "Oof." he grumbled. "Y/N! 2 minutes!" The stage manager told you. You felt the pang of the nerves setting in and Luke must've felt you tense up. His large, warm hands skimmed the surface of the skin on your legs softly. "Breathe Y/N. You can do this. I've seen you in soundcheck. It's nothing you haven't done before. Just think of singing in front of me. Remember how at first you were shy and I could barely hear your beautiful voice? Now you can sing anything in front of me. Even the Thong Song!" You nodded and hugged his neck. "Thanks Luke. You're the best best friend ever." He hugged you tightly and kissed your shoulder. "Ok show time. Go kick some ass!" He said with a smirk. He was right. You had done this a million times before. Now the feeling was heightened by the roar of the crowd. You were halfway through the first song when Luke and Michael came out and started dancing the chicken dance on stage. He winked and flapped his arms and accidentally ran into Michael who then tripped over Luke's feet. He caught himself before he could fall, but Luke wasn't so lucky. He ended up bouncing off of Michael and falling backwards. You stopped the music and ran to him. "Luke?! Are you Ok?!" You yelled crouching down to him. He was laughing and took your outreached hand. He approached the mic and giggled. "Sorry guys! We just wanted to help Y/N with her nerves and it didn't go as planned. So I apologize to all of you and to Y/N." You smiled and rubbed his back. "Yeah thanks Luke. You just died and ruined my song!" You teased. The girls laughed and cheered for you. "See? You're doing great!" He whispered in your ear. "Thanks for everything Lukey. I owe you."

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