He Asks About Your...Period

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This  one  should  be  funnyweirdand  awkwardYayThank  you  lukesvibee  for  the  requestEnjoy  xx

Ashton:"So does it...like....hurt?" He asked clutching his pillow to his chest. You sat up and poked his nose. "Uh...not usually. Sometimes I guess. But it's mostly the cramps that are killer." You said. He started playing with your fingers awkwardly. "H-How long does it usually last?" You smiled at his blush. "Up to a week." His eyes widened. "You have blood coming out of you for a week?!" He said frightened. You giggled and squeezed his hands. "Yes Ash. It's a girl thing. We all go through it. Not just me." His eyes were still bigger than normal. "And you don't die?!" You snorted. "No! But sometimes I feel like it." He grabbed you and pulled you to his chest. "I'll protect you Y/N!" You giggled and groaned. "What's wrong? What did I do?" He asked letting you go, looking for signs that he'd hurt you. "You didn't do anything Ashton. I'm just having bad cramps." You said curling up into a ball. "Ok one more question before I give you tea and a massage. Where does it come from?" You raised an eyebrow. "Where does what come from?" He cleared his throat. "The Ood-Blay." He said in pig Latin. Ah. Blood. "Ok Ash. I'm going to use technical terms. It comes from my uterus that gets mad when I don't have a baby growing inside me and it decides to eat itself." You said teasingly. He must not have got that part. He turned green. "Oh. That's a pretty violent way to punish you."

Luke: "WHY GOD WHY?!?" You yelled at the ceiling. Luke came out of the kitchen to see you sprawled across the floor. "Y/N? Are you Ok?" You scoffed and groaned. "I'm yelling at the ceiling for my problems. Does that answer your question?" He chuckled and lay down next to you. "What does it feel like? Your monthly issue?" He crossed his arms on his chest. You sighed and looked back up at the ceiling. "It feels like two gnomes fighting and jabbing their pointy heads into my uterus." He burst out laughing. When he noticed that you were completely serious he stopped. "How do you keep it from going everywhere? Shouldn't it look like a murder scene each morning?" You snorted and looked at him. "You know those things called pads and tampons? Those make the whole thing less crime scene looking." His mouth formed an 'o' shape as he got it. "And it's actual blood?" He asked kind of getting on your nerves. "Would you like to find out Luke?" His eyes widened and he shook his head. "That's what I thought." His arms snaked around your waist and pulled you against him. "I'm sorry it's hell for you princess. If I could take your place, I would." You looked at him and smirked. "Man if you could take my place, I'd throw it at you and scream 'see ya sucker' and steal your car and drive to Mexico!" He chuckled and kissed your cheek. "I should've expected that."

Calum: Calum kept poking your aching stomach. Each time he'd do it with a different expression on his face. You couldn't help but giggle at his attempts to make you feel better. He smiled and ceased his excessive poking. "What even is a period anyways?" You raised an eyebrow. "Ok Cal you have a mother and an older sister. How do you not know this?" You said. He scoffed and shook his head. "Yeah I'm gonna ask my mom about her....lady parts." You snorted and agreed with him. "Well Ok...where to begin. When a girl starts going through puberty.... she gets her period. Each month she goes up to a week on her period. It basically means "Hey you're not pregnant! Time for you to suffer!" You explained. You went further into details to helped him understand the meaning of periods. You expected him to be freaked out but he was completely calm and continued to ask questions about girl stuff. "Huh. Interesting. So you're on your period right now correct?" He asked. You nodded slowly wondering what he was going to do. He grasped your hand and pulled you off the bed and dragged you to the kitchen. He ended up making you peppermint tea and found a bar of chocolate. You kissed him and thanked him for being so comforting.

Michael: "No! Gross! Girl problems!" Michael screamed sarcastically covering his ears. You rolled your eyes and waited for him to be serious. He giggled and looked at you. "Ok I'll be good. Can I ask questions?" Was he being serious? "Are you being serious?" He nodded and sat down in front of you. "Teach me oh wise one." You snorted and sipped your tea. "Ok well what do you want to know?" He thought about the perfect question to ask. "Ooh! I got one? How are pads so absorbent? Cuz it sounds like it's a fucking ocean." You snickered and smiled. "Honestly? I have no idea how they're so absorbent. It's a mystery!" He laughed and prepared to ask you another question. "If you shower, does it go everywhere?" You groaned. "Mikey you're gross! But no it doesn't go everywhere." He nodded. "Does it feel weird?" You nodded and sat down. "Yeah it does sometimes. It's kind of weird to think about it." He smirked and fluffed his hair. "So as far as sex goes...?" You slapped him and giggled. "Nope. Not until I'm done. Too bad." You teased. He stuck his tongue out at you and got out of his chair to come and hug you. "Then I'll just stick to cuddles and massages. What do you want?" You slapped him again and kissed his soft lips. "I want food."

(I feel like it would be kind of funny explaining this stuff to them! xD Their expressions would be hilarious! I hope you liked it lukesvibee! :) Sorry it took a few days to get this up! Love you xx

Over 25k reads :)

I loved your ships for me guys! So far I've gotten:

Michael- 3

Luke- 1

Ashton- 1

Calum- 1

So right now it looks like Mikey's winning! Maybe I'll get a few more and I can keep score lol xD LOVE YOU xx)

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