C.A.L.M Food Takeover

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We got our first topic to write about!!! Food! -Michael

I'm excited. -Calum

Yeah you sound excited. -Ashton

I like peanut butter :3 -Luke

Which Food Are We

AshtonAshton would be a piece of broccoli. Mainly because he likes broccoli and won't shut up about broccoli so your daily conversations end up being about broccoli. Then you say broccoli too many times and can't stop saying broccoli. So yeah. Ash is the broccoliest of all broccolis. (Calum)

LukeHe's a fucking bowl of cereal. The boy eats Cheerios like they're his life. And he's kinda bland and only certain people like him. :P suck on that Luke! Anyways, he's a bowl of Cheerios. (Michael)

CalumHood is Chinese noodles. HAHAHA I'M KIDDING DON'T KILL ME!!! He's actually dog food. Not kidding. He would love being food for dogs!!! Calum loves his dogs! So he'd be entirely happy being eaten! You're welcome Cal! (Ashton)

MichaelOf course I get Michael. *sighs* Fine Michael is tofu coz he's a jerk and tofu doesn't taste like nice people!!!!! Tofu is sadness compared to a lovely burrito of excitement! So be a burrito in this world full of tofu like Michael!!!!!! (Luke)


Aw  Cal  you  do  know  me  :')  I'm  broccoli!!!  -Ashton

I  am  not  bland  you  tofu  butt.  -Luke

HuhInteresting  approach  AshBut you  do  not  lieI'd  love  to  be  eaten  by  dogsWait....what?  -Calum

OohBurnWowI  am  in  so  much  painLuke  has  wounded  meI  don't  know  how  I'll  survive.  -Michael

Really?  -Luke

NoNot  really  you  bland-ass  Cheerio.  -Michael

If  We  Could  Eat  One  Food  For  The  Rest  Of  Our  Lives  They  Would  Be...

AshtonAsh would eat pasta or pineapples all the time. He'd be like a pineapple with spaghetti arms. Hehehe. Pinehetti!!!! Italian sounding huh? (Luke)

LukeI'm pretty sure Luke would eat his exciting burritos all the time. But he'd be like really gassy and I don't know if I can handle more. He's already a pretty smelly boy. (Calum)

CalumCal would eat apples all the time like the horse from Tangled. If he fell down and scraped his knee, he'd bleed apple juice. It's pretty gruesome. But the sucky thing is it would be the best damn apple juice in the world coz he's too sweet. (Michael)

MichaelPizza. (Ashton)


LukeYou're  a  child.  -Ashton

HeyYou've  been  able  to  be  around  me  for  this  longYou're  pretty  invested  in  Luke  Hemmings.  -Luke

Um...I'm  a  little  concerned  MichaelPlease  don't  write  any  more  of  mine.  -Calum

AccurateThank  you  Ashton  for  taking  this  seriouslySome  people's  kids.  -Michael

If  We  Could  Bury  Each  Other  In  Food  It  Would  Be...

AshtonI'd bury him in Gushers coz then he'd be all sticky and covered in that gooey crap. It would be funny coz he'd step on them and they'd all go *fart noise* (Michael)

LukeLuke would be buried in cheese penguins. I'd be nice to him. He likes cheese. He likes penguins. Where's the harm?! Well besides choking and dying...(Ashton)

CalumI would bury him in papaya. (Luke)

MichaelLet's bury Michael in Ramen and watch him struggle and choke on little chicken flavored noodles. (Calum)


This  is  by  far  the  creepiest  one  we've  written.  -Ashton

Awww  AshThanks  for  being  nice  to  me...except  for  the  ending.  -Luke

Is  there  an  explanation  for  mine???  -Calum

No.  -Luke

WowSome  people  just  wanna  watch  the  world  burn.  -Michael

Other  Food  Related  Stuff  We  Can't  Think  Of

AshtonUh..........food is essential for living.

LukeALL THE FALL THINGS FOOTBALL AND HOT WINGS!!! See that had some food in there.

CalumHey. I just got the joke in the first one Ashton. -_- I hate you.



Why  the  fuck  did  I  leave  you  guys  in  charge?  -Kenzie

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