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Ashton: "Can you demonstrate how to- Ok who sent that question? That is highly inappropriate!" He screamed at the screen. "Which one?" You asked curiously. He pointed to a very graphic question. "Oh. Well. No." You said awkwardly. "Found one! 'How did you and Y/N meet?' well I found this pretty little thing at McDonald's! I can remember it like it was yesterday. She had ordered fries, a McFlurry and chicken nuggets. A hearty meal if you ask me. And she thought I worked there! She asked me if I could get her more honey mustard! She was so embarrassed when I told her I didn't work there!" You giggled and slapped his arm. "Ashton that's not all that happened and you know it!" He gave you a look. "Why must you bring it up?!" "The fans deserve to know what a klutz you are." As soon as you said that you got about a thousand questions about what he did. "Ok first of all, he didn't tell me that he didn't work there right away. He actually went behind the counter and tried to find some mustard before he tripped over the Happy Meal boxes. Then he got thrown out because he didn't work there." His face was sad. "I was trying to impress you." "Aw! c'mere Ash!" You grabbed his face and planted one right on his lips. #AshtonFromMcDonalds started trending worldwide.

Luke: "Mmk this one is from @LukeThePenguinSnatcher. 'What's the weirdest thing Luke has done?'' You read the question and turned to Luke. "Love the twitter name by the way." you added. Luke giggled and blushed. "I've never once snatched a penguin. I came close, but I didn't." You laughed and thought about the answer to the question. "The weirdest thing Luke has done, in front of me, is he put underwear on his head, socks on his hands, and mittens on his feet. I still don't know what he was doing." He scoffed. "You've seen weirder from me and you know it!" You nodded. "Yes but most things I can't share with people!" he blushed once again. "Then good answer." You rolled your eyes and turned your attention back to the screen. "Luke you read one." He cracked his knuckles and pulled his chair closer to the screen. "Alright. How about this one? 'Y/N what's your favorite thing about Luke? You can say 3 ;)'. You looked at Luke and smiled. "That's an easy one. His heart, his voice, his eyes, his height, his hugs, his kisses, his smile, his laugh, and his awkwardness." You answered truthfully. "She said give three!" Luke joked. "Yeah but I can't describe you with just three things!" He smiled and hugged you before ending the twitcam.

Calum: "I'm whispering because Y/N is asleep. So don't send questions that make me laugh guys. I'll do my best to answer a bunch." Calum couldn't sleep so he decided to do a twitcam to interact with you lovely people. "Calum how much do you love Y/N? Aw I love this one. I love Y/N more than my phone! And that's a lot!" You had woken up just before he answered this question due to his light giggles. You smiled and continued to watch him try to be quiet. "Is Y/N up yet? Haha nah not yet." He turned his head to see you sitting up with a smirk on your face. "Ok I lied. She's up! C'mere babe!" You giggled and joined him answering questions and cuddling.

Michael: Michael continued to poke your face even after you started giving him the silent treatment. "Y/N you know you want to smile. Do it for the fans!" Your eyes widened at his words. "What so you mean do it for the fans?" He smirked and turned his laptop towards you. Sure enough he was broadcasting the whole thing. "Michael Clifford! You're an ass!!!" You said slapping his arm. "Ash. Geez! Mean! See how she is?" He turned back to the screen. You rolled your eyes and put your head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry Mikey." He smiled and kissed the top of your head. "Now say sorry to them." he gestured to the laptop. "I'm sorry Michael is annoying. He can't help it!" You giggled. He made a funny face and started tickling you. "Take it back!!!" He screamed. "Never!!!" Later #MichaelTheAnnoyance started trending.

(Sorry guys. This one was awful but oh well! Requests are still open! Wink wink ;)

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