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Heyyy guys!!!!!!! Guess what????

I'M ALMOST AT ONE MILLION READS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!!! I can't believe it! I started out as a weird girl who thought I was funny. So I decided to write about the 4 boys that made me smile so much and hoped I could make others smile as well. And it looks like I did :')

You guys leave the best comments. Some of them are so sweet and make me cry. While others make me wet my pants. You know who you are ;)

Almost one million. Holy frick frack snick snack. How???? You're amazing. Thank you so much. I'm loving writing for you! I've never had this much fun! And when I interact with you, I feel like you're all my best friends. We all love these boys. All of you have been nothing but sweet and dedicated. It's fucking amazing. So enough with the cheesiness. Here's another small preference to thank you ❤❤❤

What  His  Girlfriend  Would  Be  Like

AshtonAshton's girlfriend would be funny, cute, and kind hearted. She'd support him in every single way and try to go to every show he plays. She would love him unconditionally and sass 'fans' that give him crap. So basically, Ashton's girlfriend would be you. ❤

LukeLuke's girlfriend would be a bit shy but when she gets to know someone, she'd open up. She'd make him laugh and smile every second. His girlfriend would have a heart of gold and talk to the 5sosfam about everything! She wouldn't pay attention to the haters and continue with the fans. Luke would constantly think, "I'm the luckiest guy in the world." So his girlfriend, would be you. ❤

Calum: Calums' girlfriend would have to laugh at all of his terrible jokes and make up a few herself. She'd be with him on tour almost all the time because he insists! Her smile would make him weak at the knees. And every night on stage, he'd play his heart out just for her. He loves the fact that she screams the lyrics along with him. So essentially, his girlfriend... is you. ❤

MichaelOh boy. Michael's girlfriend would have to be upbeat just like him! She'd be the one that has to calm him down at night though. She would be the one to surprise him on tour just because she missed him too much. He would brag about her to the other guys all the time. He's a total romantic and he'd treat her with all the respect she deserves. His girlfriend would tweet funny things to fans and make him laugh. So obviously she is you. ❤

I  hope  you  liked  it  ;)  Love  you  babes.

"I  see  what  you  did  thereCheeky."  -Ashton

"You're  perfect  for  me  Y/N.  :3"  -Luke

"HeyYouYes  youYou're  my  future  girlfriendI'm  in  love  <3"  -Calum

"AwwwwhCuteYou're  cute  Y/NI  must  hug  youAnd  squish  you."  -Michael

"*hugs  Michael*"  -Luke

"Not  you  douchecanoe."  -Michael

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