He Reads Your Diary (2/4 Lashton)

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OohInteresting  request  from madihemmo0413! I hope you like it babe! xx

Ashton: (His P.O.V) What do you mean I'm not as good looking as Channing Tatum? I am plenty hot! Damn you Channing. I turned the page and kept reading. I knew it was beyond wrong, but I couldn't help myself! It's a pretty flashy notebook to have as a diary. I held the small notebook and read the next page. Apparently I'm her "superman". It says I helped her stop self harming herself. I didn't even know she did. "Ash is my best friend and the best boyfriend in the world. He's just so gentle and comforting and I fall more in love with him everyday. Because of him, I'm still here." I started to tear up as I read that part. She kept going on about how I helped her and I smiled, knowing that I caused her more happiness than pain. Her writing was beautiful and I never wanted to stop reading. "ASHTON FLETCHER IRWIN?! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Shit. I turned around slowly, the notebook still in my hands. "H-Hi Y/N. My you look lovely today!" I said trying to lighten the mood. It didn't work. She snatched the book away from me and glared at me. "I can't believe you!!! How could you read my personal diary? That's why they call it a diary! It's personal and private!" She fumed. "Well I-I uh. It looked pretty and I wanted to open it. I'm sorry. But your writing is just beautiful....and I never knew how much I imprinted on your life." She seemed to calm down a little bit, but she still had her jaw set. "What did you read?" She asked softly. "I read that I was your superman and that I helped you stop self harming. And that you loved me. And that I'm not as attractive as Channing Tatum. What's up with that?" She snorted and sighed. "Yeah. You did help me. A lot. But that still doesn't excuse you for reading my diary. And don't worry. Channing is never going to happen for me. I've got you as my idiot." She said somewhat annoyed and somewhat humorous. "I'm so sorry Y/N. I shouldn't have read it and I feel so horrible about it. I'm sorry. What can I do to make it up to you?" I asked and hugged her close. Her small hands wrapped around my waist and she squeezed me. "Well since I can't erase your mind....I guess you're just going to have to do whatever I ask you for the next week." I nodded and smirked. "Does that mean-?" I started. She looked up at me and waggled her eyebrows. "Oh yes. It means you get to do the laundry tonight. Don't forget to separate the lights and darks."

Luke: (His P.O.V) The house is so empty without her. The pain never stops. I keep thinking if I walk around the corner, she'll be there with open arms, wanting me to hold her forever. That forever ended to quickly. I wiped the tears from my cheeks and pulled my knees to my chest and tried to remember her beautiful face before it happened. Her rosy cheeks. The color of her eyes. Her soft hair. Her amazing smile. A sob wracked through my chest and I hid my face in my knees and cried, trying to close the hole in my heart. But I knew it never would. It's been 2 months and I still can't stop crying. I don't think I ever will. I miss her so much. I wish she was here, safe in my arms, kissing her soft lips. It should've been me. I gasped and squeezed my knees tighter and let the pain run through my body. After an hour of staying here, I finally got up the strength to look through her stuff. I walked into the bedroom and held back another sob fest when I saw how normal it looked. Like she was still here. I leafed through her multiple notebooks, most of them academics and drawings. I smiled at her drawing of us. Animated me was kissing her cheek and animated Y/N was laughing and poking my stomach. I sniffed and continued going through her notebooks, when I came across a small leather one with a strap around it. I picked it up and removed the strap and opened to the first page. "Well this is my diary. Where do I begin? I met Luke yesterday. That's a good place to start. He was wearing a Nirvana shirt (swoon) and black skinny jeans that were tighter than my aunt's face lift. He had a black lip ring on the bottom left that made me want to kiss him even more. He's blonde, really tall, extremely tall, and had the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen. I wanted to go swimming in them! I never thought he'd come over and talk to me. Me being, well, me, and him being the gorgeous person he was. He came up to me and said "I was so enchanted by your beauty that I ran into that wall over there. So I'm going to need your name and number for insurance purposes." I've never laughed so hard in my life! So of course I had to give it to him! We sat and talked for hours and he never creeped me out or anything! He was very polite and sweet. I wanted to bang him right then and there. Oops. Aw who cares this is my diary damn it! He was such a gentleman and he walked me to my car because he wanted to make sure I got there ok. Even though it was a minute away. Can I marry him yet? Anyways, I guess this is the end for today...let's see if I can keep this up for longer than a page." I smiled and remembered the day we met. I will never forget it. I kept reading until I found the last page she ever wrote. "So today's mine and Luke's 4th anniversary!!! We've been dating for 2 years and married for 2! How crazy is that? God I love him so much. I still can't believe I'm lucky enough to have him. He's my rock and I don't know what I'd do without him. He told me he had a surprise planned for us tonight and I'm really excited! He always comes up with the best ideas. I also have a surprise for him. I'm going to tell him I'm pregn-" I shut the diary and couldn't breathe. Oh god. No. Please God make it stop. I can't handle it anymore. She was pregnant. How could you let this happen to her? She deserved to live longer than she did! So did....the baby. I cried out and fell to the ground on my knees. I closed my eyes and I could hear the ringing of the gunshot, and I saw her fall.

(Oh my god I am so sorry. I did a very bad thing. I'm crying now. I'm so sorry. I'm also sorry Ashton's wasn't as long. But I'm mostly sorry about Luke's. I'm sorry. Anyways...I hope you liked 2/4 of He Reads Your Diary. Thank you madihemmo0413 for the request and I hope you liked it. Some of it. 

Love you xx)

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