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Ashton: Walking to the nearest café, you popped in your headphones in and turned on "Disconnected" by 5 Seconds of Summer. You grabbed your messenger bag and threw it over your shoulder. The sun was shining and there were no clouds in sight. You began singing along with the music, walking in step with the rhythm. You got a few strange looks but you didn't care! It was 5SOS! After the song ended, "Heartbreak Girl" started and once again, you sang along. You arrived at the café and ordered the usual and went to sit outside. It was a Tuesday afternoon so not many people were around. You figured you were alone and sang at the top of your lungs. "I DEDICATE THIS SONG TO YOU, THE ONE WHO NEVER SEES THE TRUTH, THAT I CAN TAKE AWAY YOUR HURT, HEARTBREAK GIRL!" Everything was great until you heard laughter that didn't come from your headphones. You took them out and turned around. Ashton Irwin was seated at the table behind you, laughing his ass off. "H-How long have you been sitting there?" You asked nervously. He clutched his stomach and caught his breath. "Probably around the second chorus. You really go all out when you sing don't you?" Your cheeks got hot and you nodded. "Well it was lovely. Especially your air guitaring as well." Oh god what were the chances. "Um...thanks?" You said more like a question. "Maybe you could be in the band! We could use a soprano!" He said chuckling. The café door opened and Michael Clifford walked out with two cups in his hands. "Is the cute girl still singing?" He asked Ashton. Ashton then pointed to you and smiled. "Nah she finished. But I think she should do an encore! Don't you think?" You hid your face and heard Michael laugh. AWKWARD!

Luke: Science class. Boredom. Good thing your best friend was in your class. You started passing notes to her talking about your crushes. She was crushing on an a boy in her Lit class who was pretty cute in your opinion as well. But you were crushing on Luke Hemmings. His blue eyes, blonde hair, and lip piercing did stuff to you. He was actually sitting a few seats in front of you. Even the back of his head was gorgeous. Sigh. The scribbled on note was thrown onto your desk. You opened it up and read your friends' scrawls.
Y/and Luke. Luke and Y/N. You'd be Mrs. Luke Hemmings! It's adorable <3 hope he asks you out soon.
You smiled and began writing. You quietly folded the paper and threw it back to her. Little did you know that the teacher saw you in the corner of her eye. "Y/N! Y/B/F! Would you like to share your writing with the class? Or even better! How about I'll share it with the class!" Her heels clicked as she walked towards Y/B/F's desk and snatched up the paper. By now the whole class was turned towards you. Including Luke. Oh god. Your teacher cleared her throat as she read the messages. When she got to the last part you wrote, you put your head in your arms on the desk. "I know right? But Luke doesn't even know I exist. He's this gorgeous human being and I'm me. But if he did ask me out, I'd do things to him that you couldn't even dream of! Lol! And his lip ring? Have you noticed how he uses his teeth to play with it? Holy mother of god! Ugh kiss me!" AWKWARD! The teacher finished and the whole class started snickering. "That's enough class! Y/N's had enough embarrassment for one class." Just after that the bell rung and you stayed in your seat, too mortified to move. You still hadn't looked up, until you felt someone tap your shoulder. You figured it was Y/B/F and you lifted your head. Luke. Oh dear lord. Here it comes. "I know you exist. All to well. Um...I'm sorry I had to find out about your uh...."feelings" for me that way. I wish you would've just told me." You blinked at him. "Ok. I'm really confused. Did you not just hear the whole note? You must be so creeped out and not want anything to do with me!" He chuckled and sat in the desk next to you. "I did hear the whole thing. By the way, you think I'm a gorgeous human being?" You blushed and nodded. He lifted your chin with his slender finger and met your eyes with his. "Well I think you're a gorgeous human being. And I also think I should play with my lip ring more often." He stood up, kissed your cheek, winked and helped you out of your seat. "Wanna get some lunch?" He asked. You smiled. "Yes I'd love that. But you already know that, so let's just go." You answered making him laugh his melodic laugh.

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