Pokémon Trainer

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YESSSS  I'M  SO  EXCITED  FOR  THIS  ONE!  Thank  you  Mudbug95  for  the  awesome  request  ;)

Ashton: "Squirtle! I choose you!" You heard Ash call out his Squirtle and you smirked. "Latios! I choose you!" You threw your Pokeball and watched as your dragon  like Pokémon took form. Ash whipped his hair out of his eyes and smirked at you. "Squirtle, skull bash!!!" He screamed.
"Latios! Levitate!" Your Latios quickly dodged Squirtle's skull bash and Squirtle went zooming past the spot Latios was just in. He looked confused. "Latios Psywave!!!!" He swirled around and stared into the Squirtle's eyes. Squirtle moaned and grabbed it's head, falling to the ground and closing his eyes.
"Squirtle return!" Ashton's Squirtle vanished back into the pokeball. "Houndoom go!!!" Ash threw another pokeball and the dark Pokémon emerged and glared at your Latios. "Houndoom fire fang now!" Neither you or Latios were prepared for that. Houndoom was quick and gained on Latios, biting down on one of his wings. Latios screeched and fell to the ground. You winced and called him back. "Growlithe I choose you!" You chucked the pokeball towards the center of the floor. Your puppy Pokémon wasn't afraid of anything. He just stared at the Houndoom like he was bored. "Growlithe, flamethrower!"
The battle continued and it escalated quickly. Eventually, Ash stopped the battle to tend to his Houndoom. "Hey buddy. Are you Ok?" He got on his knees and pet the beat up Pokémon. That's when you realized that Ash really cared a lot for his Pokémon. You smiled and helped your Growlithe with his injured paw.
"Y/N? That was a great match. Congratulations. Um, I uh...I think you're a pretty badass trainer. And you're quite pretty." Ash scratched his head and blushed as he said it. You smiled and stood back up. "Thanks Ash. You're not too bad yourself. How's your Houndoom?" You asked genuinely concerned. "Oh he'll be Ok. He's healing already. I might have to take him to nurse Joy just to make sure he's good." You nodded and bit your lip. "Um yeah. Good match." You stuck out your hand awkwardly. Ash chuckled and took it, shaking it. "So um...do I get a badge?" You asked and Ashton's laugh echoed throughout the gym.

Luke: "Y/N we meet again." You rolled your eyes in disgust. "Ugh. Are you stalking me or something Luke?" You picked up your Jigglypuff and squeezed her. She puffed her cheeks out at the blonde and hid her face in your arms. Luke chuckled and sat across from you. "Not stalking. Just observing." He said taking an apple out of your basket. You snorted and grabbed the fruit out of his hand. "Yeah that's not creepy at all." You said taking a bite. He smirked at you and looked at the annoyed Jigglypuff. He scooted a bit closer. "Jiggly? Can you sing for me?" Your eyes widened and Jigglypuff slowly revealed her face. "Jigglypuff?" She asked. You shook your head vigorously, but Luke just winked at you. "Yeah! Can you sing that pretty song for me?" He continued to smirk. Jigglypuff smiled and hopped out of your arms and jumped up onto a medium sized rock. She closed her eyes and began singing her hypnotic song. You felt your eyelids get heavy and you fell backwards, landing in a pair of arms and that was the last thing you remembered. An hour later, you opened your eyes and found yourself on top of Luke's chest, with his arms wrapped around you. You tried to get free, but his grip on you grew tighter. You saw Luke peek at you with one eye closed. "What the hell Luke?!" You yelled. He laughed and let you go. "Oh c'mon that was nice and you know it!" You groaned and found Jigglypuff sulking behind a rock. "Was Luke mean to you? He didn't listen to your song did he?" You asked. She shook her head. Lightbulb. "C'mon sing it again for him and see if he'll listen this time Ok?" She hesitated but jumped back into your arms. You brought her back over to where Luke was sitting and you opened your backpack, pulling out a case of earplugs. "Whatchya doin?" Luke asked. You smirked and slid them in. "Oh nothing. But Jigglypuff wants to tell you something." He raised his eyebrows and looked at the little pink fluff ball. "What is it Jiggly?" She sucked in a breath and started singing once again. His eyes widened and he swore and looked back at you. "I hate you."

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