Winters Ball

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"Okay," she smiled "You have my permission."

John began to grin brightly and cheered "Yes!", pulling her close to him and pressing his lips to hers, not being able to hold himself back from doing that any longer.

The hug lasted longer than she had intended to.

Alexander was already in the carriage that would take them to the military camp, he and Alessia already having said goodbye to each other. But John was something completely different.

It was obvious that neither of the two wanted to let go of the other. It's been a few more weeks since they started courting and now that the dreading day of departure has arrived, neither of them wanted to leave the other.

Alessia would take care of Johns house in the time that he'd be gone. She didn't want to think of the possibility to be left alone. Or that maybe only one of the two returned to her.

"You should go..." Alessia finally mumbled, even though she didn't plan on letting go of him. She heard John hum in agreement, but he didn't move as well, so they just remained in this embrace.

Finally it was Alessia who brought herself to pull away. John smiled softly as he laid a hand on her cheek "I'll be back soon. And I'll bring that guy back with me," he nodded his head towards the carriage, that she knew that he meant Alexander.

Alessia chuckled softly and replied "Please do. I love you, John. Come back safe. And write me."

John smiled brightly and pressed a soft, yet loving kiss to her lips, before he said "I will. Whenever I have the chance to. I love you, too." They shared one last kiss, before he finally forced himself to get into the carriage, as they sadly didn't have all day.

Alessia smiled and waved as she watched John and Alexander depart. She watched them ride away until they were out of sight, before she stepped back into her new home. It'd be lonely.

December 27th, 1779

My dearest and most beloved Alessia,

I can't wait to go home. All these years now without you are tearing me apart. I miss you dearly, my love. Alexander hit me just yesterday because I had complained of missing you.

He misses you too. He doesn't have much time to write to you, as he's been busy working as General Washingtons right hand man. But he told me to give you his regards.

I can't wait to come home. Hopefully this is all over soon. I apologize that I also didn't have much time to write you before. But believe me, it's been hard out here.

Also, congratulations on the publication of your latest essays against slavery. I've received a copy by a friend who has his connections and I must say, your writing gets better and better with every passing moment.

My love, I cannot wait to see you again. Not much longer, I hope.

I love you.

Your most humble and obedient servant,

J. Laurens

Alessia smiled as she received yet another letter. It's been a week now since that letter was sent and she was currently preparing for a ball that was being hosted nearby. She had received an invitation addressed to the 'Laurens household' and since John wasn't there, she would go in his stead.

It felt wrong to be going to a ball and enjoying herself while her brother and John were off fighting in the war. Well, she couldn't do anything against it now. Of course, she could choose to stay home, but she decided to go, as she'd isolated herself quite a bit ever since the two people she loved most had left to go to war.

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