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The woman quickly shuffled back as soon as her eyes fell on Him and she quietly said "You're home..." He harshly replied "Of course I am. And I brought a friend."

"Friend? Oh fuck you," Alessia snarled and spun back around to Him, only to be met by the hard blow of a fist in her face. And so she fell back, hitting her head on the way down. By the time she hit the floor she was unconscious.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!", Frances beamed and hugged Thomas tight for probably the fifth time today. They had just purchased the dress that Frances wanted so dearly and she couldn't be happier.

Thomas chuckled and said "You're welcome, princess. Let's get your mother and then go home, okay?" Frances nodded and together the two of them headed out.

On their way down the street, they came past Alessias publisher, Jonathan. He seemed worried, a frown on his face. When he noticed Thomas and Frances, a look of relief flashed across his face and he rushed over to them.

"Mr Jefferson, you won't believe me how glad I am to see you!", Jon exclaimed, making Thomas frown and ask "What's wrong? Shouldn't Alessia be with you?"

Jon nodded and replied "Yes, yes, I saw her, she did come in. She was browsing for something new to read as usual, when a man approached her. He looked so familiar to me, I knew him from somewhere but I just couldn't put my finger on it."

"What did he do?", Thomas asked. "He asked if she could show him around town, as he was new here. Miss Hamilton told me to tell you that she'd join you in the evening and you should go ahead, she said she'd bring a new friend. I assume it was that man. But-" "But what? Do you know who he is?", Thomas pressed, a glimpse of anger in his voice.

"James Reynolds," Jonathan finally revealed "He must've gotten out of prison. I don't know how. But he was there. And I believe he'll harm your fiancée. I closed the shop, I knew I had to find you and tell you."

Thomas' eyes widened as he stared at Jonathan in disbelief. "Dad, who is this man? Will he hurt mom?", Frances quietly asked, worried. Thomas looked down at Frances, before looking back at Jonathan and saying "Take her home, please. Sally and the others will take care of her. I'll get onto this."

Jonathan nodded and then took Frances, making his way towards the Jefferson estate, while Thomas stormed to the only place thinkable at the moment. Hamilton.

He knocked on the door so hard, one might think he'd break it down. The door was opened by Eliza's sister Angelica. She seemed surprised to see Thomas, as she asked "What can I help you with?"

"Is Hamilton here?", Thomas asked, the anger in his voice making Angelica flinch slightly – and she was one who usually didn't let this get to her. "He's upstairs in his study," Angelica said, before she stepped aside and let Thomas in.

Thomas rushed in and quickly made his way to Alexanders study. He went inside without knocking.

"Jefferson?", Alexander said surprised as he saw that it was Thomas storming in and not someone from his family.

"Do you know where Reynolds lives?", Thomas asked. His hands were balled into fists to keep them from trembling.

"Why do you want to know? So you can go and high five him for his success in ruining me?", Alexander asked bitterly. Thomas slammed his fist against the fall as he nearly yelled "That asshole has my fiancée! Where does he live?"

Alexanders eyes widened and he just stared at Thomas for a moment, before he said "A block away, the house has a dark wooded door, unlike the others." And so Thomas was off.

When he arrived at said house, he raced up the steps to the door and was about to rip it open, when the door opened and a man with light brown hair came out.

Thomas grabbed him by his collar and asked "Where is she?" The man's eyes widened and he asked "W-What do you mean?" "Where is Alessia?", Thomas growled and the man gulped, shaking his head "I don't know, I don't know who you're looking for but whoever it is, it's not me!"

"What's your name?", Thomas asked, still glaring at the man. He quickly answered "Thayne Williams!" Thomas frowned and let go of the man, asking "Where is James Reynolds?" "I don't know!", Thayne quickly said.

Thomas sighed in defeat and stepped back. He didn't look at the man as he muttered "I'm sorry." Then he turned away and continued to make his way through the street, asking any man or woman that passed him if they knew where Reynolds lived.

In the end he came home, totally defeated. Nobody could tell him where Reynolds was. Nobody could tell him where his fiancée was. He came home with nothing.

When Frances heard the door being shut, she jumped up and ran into the hallway. To only find Thomas made her pause. Especially the look on his face.

"You're still awake...", Thomas stated tiredly, noting that it was almost midnight. Frances nodded and said "James kept me company." Just in that moment, James stepped out of the kitchen with a glass of water he had meant to give Frances. When he spotted Thomas, he nodded shortly in greeting.

"Where's mom?", Frances then asked tearfully. Thomas looked down at his hands and closed his eyes, shaking his head "I don't know."

Frances walked over to Thomas and hugged him tight just as tears began to roll down her cheeks. She was scared for her mother, worried about her wellbeing. After Jonathan had arrived home with her, she had asked him to get James, so when he got here, Frances had asked him about the Reynolds and told him to tell her everything he knew.

Thomas wrapped his arms around Frances and held her tight, whispering "I'll find her. I promise."

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