Andrew Lawrence

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Andrew chuckled and smirked at her "I've just moved into the city. I've heard a lot about you. And I'm afraid that I don't know anyone here, so I'm glad to run into someone familiar. Would you maybe give me a tour around the city?"

Alessia frowned a little, before she said "I believe I can do that."

"Before we go though, give me a second," Alessia said, before she headed towards the counter towards her friend and publisher Jonathan Ambrose.

"Jon, can you do me a favor? When Thomas comes here, can you tell him I'll be back in the evening and that I'll bring a new friend with me?", Alessia said and smiled softly, Jon nodding and replying "Will do. Congrats on your engagement."

Alessia smiled brightly "Thanks Jon, you're the best." Then she turned towards Andrew and said "Let's get going. The city is big and there are a lot of things to see."

The two of them headed out and Andrew wore his hat again. As they were walking down the street, Andrew asked "So, you're engaged?"

"Yes, I am," Alessia replied, continuing in silence for a moment, then adding "Since you said you know nobody here, I assume that you aren't in a relationship."

"I'm not. Well, by law I am," Andrew said and sighed. Alessia stopped walking and turned to look at him "What do you mean exactly?"

"I am married to a woman who constantly cheats on me. Neither she, nor I want to be in this relationship, but I can't file a divorce because otherwise I'd be just some poor man on the street," Andrew said, looking down at Alessia with a sad look in his eyes. Something was off, she noticed that, but decided to ignore it.

"I'm sorry for that. But you are quite stupid to choose New York to move to. Out of all those cities out there, New York is definitely not the cheapest. And when you do plan to get that divorce, you'll definitely have to find shelter under a tree," Alessia said, turning away and continuing to walk.

She heard Andrew chuckle as he caught up with her "You're exactly as I've been told."

"And what have you been told?", Alessia asked, glancing at him from the corner of her eye with a raised eyebrow, before she focused on the busy street once again.

"That you say whatever crosses your mind, that you're a woman who isn't afraid to say what she thinks, no matter what it is, no matter who it may insult. That you're a woman with great control."

"Wow, I am flattered," Alessia chuckled softly, Andrew joining in. "I hope the rest that people say about me is also as good."

"They say that you're beautiful, I've heard a lot of descriptions, but none of them come close to the goddess standing in front of me," Andrew said and Alessia laughed "Now you're going to far, I've never heard anyone call me that."

"Well I did. And I speak the truth. You truly are a goddess," Andrew replied, coming to a stop before her and so stopping her as well. He glanced down at Alessia as he spoke "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on."

"I'm engaged, Mr Lawrence," Alessia said and crossed her arms in front of her chest. Andrew chuckled and smirked at her "And I'm married, Miss Hamilton. Does that stop me from complimenting a goddess when I see one?"

"It clearly doesn't, but it should," Alessia coldly stated, before she turned away from him and began to make her way back. If he would continue with this behavior, then she'd no longer help him out.

"Believe me when I tell you that you're absolutely right," Andrew said behind her and grabbed her arm tightly, pulling her back towards him. Alessia spun around and tried to yank her arm out of his grip, but his fingers had an iron hold on her arm.

"What the hell do you want?", Alessia hissed and glared up at the man before her. She should've listened to her instincts when they've told her earlier on that something was clearly wrong.

"I want you to follow me," Andrew said with a devilish smirk, but a deadly glare. Fear slowly crept up Alessias spine and she barely noticed how her fingers began to tremble a little. The look in his eyes terrified her.

"Come on, my dear," Andrew said in a voice that sounded polite and yet so fake, while he let go of her arm and offered her his. Her heart started beating faster. Her hands began to tremble slightly, as she slowly reached out and took his arm. She knew she wouldn't get far if she ran. Especially since they've ended up in a more secluded part of town which was a faster way to the more interesting part of the city.

A successful smile found its way to Andrews lips as he then began to lead the way. In the end, they stood in front of a house that looked just like every other house in that street.

Before they made it to the door, Alessia asked "What's your name?" "I told you earlier, have I not?", He asked, but Alessia only said "Your real one and not the fake identity."

"Let's just say that your brother knows me," and that's all He said, before He opened the door and pushed her inside roughly.

Alessia bumped into a woman. She had beautiful dark curls and wore a red dress. Bruises were covering her arms and a few were visible on her face and throat.

Alessias eyes widened at the sight of this woman and she quickly asked "What happened to you?" She had a bad premonition.

The woman quickly shuffled back as soon as her eyes fell on Him and she quietly said "You're home..." He harshly replied "Of course I am. And I brought a friend."

"Friend? Oh fuck you," Alessia snarled and spun back around to Him, only to be met by the hard blow of a fist in her face. And so she fell back, hitting her head on the way down. By the time she hit the floor she was unconscious.

[AN: who is Andrew Lawrence?]

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