The Reynolds Pamphlet

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"I guess we'll see how it goes on now," Thomas said.

"I hope he does nothing stupid."

The next morning Alessia awoke through shuffling beside her. She let out a soft noise, indicating that she was awake.

"Go back to sleep, love," Thomas whispered and leaned down, kissing the top of Alessias head, but she shook her head and asked "What's wrong?"

"Sally just told me that James is here, probably about work. Don't worry, darling," Thomas said and got to his feet, which earned him a whine from Alessia. She reached for him but he was already on his way to the closet.

"Well, if you can't get enough from me, then you'll have to get up," Thomas teased and she could just hear the grin in his voice. Groaning slightly, she reluctantly sat up and rubbed her eyes, before glaring over at Thomas.

"What are you glaring at me like that, you should glare at James instead!", Thomas defended himself and pouted. Alessia chuckled sleepily and stood up, walking over to him and wrapping her arms around his waist, resting her head on his chest. Thomas wrapped his arms around her and nuzzles his face in her hair, the couple remaining like that for a moment, before Alessia looked up at him, Thomas gazing into her eyes lovingly.

The couple shared a passionate kiss, before they parted and got dressed. Thomas helped with her corset and she fixed his collar – it had become a routine over the past years.

Together, hands intertwined, they then headed downstairs. James was in the living room, pacing up and down, but stopped as soon as they stepped into the room.

"What's wrong, James?", Thomas asked, heading over to him. Alessia followed a little behind.

James handed Thomas something and said "You have to read this." As Thomas began to read, Sally came into the room and said "Milady Alessia, your daughter just arrived. She doesn't look to well."

Alessia frowned but smiled softly at Sally and said "Thank you, Sally."

Alessia quickly left the room and headed down the hallway to meet her daughter. And there stood Frances. She gave her best at fighting tears back, but she failed.

Alessias eyes widened and quickly she pulled her into an embrace "What's wrong?" Frances held onto her mother tightly as she began to sob. Alessia rubbed her back soothingly, holding her tight and whispering calming words into her daughter's ear until she finally managed to calm down.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?", Alessia softly asked and took Frances face in her hands, looking at her worriedly.

"U-Uncle Alexander did something horrible!", Frances sobbed "He slept with some woman and he even p-published all of it!"

Alessias eyes widened and she gasped. She couldn't believe this. Especially since she told him not to do anything stupid. As Frances broke into tears once more, Alessia pulled her close and said "Shh, everything will be alright, love, don't worry."

"Philip was s-so hurt, h-he shoved me away when I tried to c-calm him," Frances sobbed, holding onto her mother tightly as if she feared that she would push her away as well.

Slowly Alessia began to walk towards the living room, still holding Frances close to her. In the living room, the Virginians looked over at the mother daughter duo with a frown, but quickly Thomas' eyes widened and he rushed over. He didn't even need to ask what's wrong, Alessias eyes told him everything.

Thomas wrapped his arms around his fiancée and his daughter. Soon, Frances was clinging to Thomas and Alessia carefully slipped out of the embrace. She walked over to James and quietly asked "What did he do?"

"He did this," James replied and handed her a pamphlet. The Reynolds Pamphlet. Alessia began to read, trying to comprehend what she was seeing, but it was difficult.

"Dad?", Frances mumbled, slowly calming down. "Yes sweetie?", Thomas asked, gently brushing his hand through her hair. "Why is Alexander such a horrible man? Why does he hurt mom so much?", Frances asked lowly, so that Alessia wouldn't hear.

Thomas thought for a moment, before he said "I don't know, sweetie, I don't know."

"Thomas, Frances, I'll be back. There's something I need to do," Alessia said, kissing Frances forehead and Thomas cheek, before she rushed out of the house to get to the only thinkable destination at the moment.

Alexander winced when the door to his office slammed open and was shut again. Looking up, he came to face no one else but his sister.

"What the hell were you thinking?", Alessia snapped, her expression unreadable. There was something from sadness and anger, as well as disapproval and disappointment.

"I had to do this, I had no other choice...", Alexander said and looked down. He felt slightly ashamed of what he did. But now there was no way he could undo it. It was a sacrifice that had to be made.

"You had no other choice? Alexander, how stupid can you possibly be? You laid your whole career on the line and all because you decided to fuck a woman that came here and begged for shelter or money or whatever the hell!", Alessia yelled, clearly enraged because of Alexanders stupidity.

"But do you know what disgusts me the most?", Alessia then asked, lowering her voice to a normal tone. "That this even went on when I was here. Your room was down the hallway, a few doors away from mine and you...", Alessia choked on her own words. She was too disgusted at the moment.

"How could you?", she then asked and now Alexander could see the tears in her eyes. His eyes widened slightly. He stared at Alessia for a moment, before glancing away and saying "It was an act of political sacrifice, it had to be done!"

For a moment there was nothing but silence in the room, nobody said a word, moved a muscle, nothing. Then, Alessia broke the silence, her voice merely a whisper.


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