First Encounter

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"Are you ready?", he asked her softly, still a little hesitant about taking her with him to France. Alessia nodded and replied "As ready as I'll ever be."

And with that said, she glanced at the Hamilton estate one last time, before stepping into the carriage.


It's been about a year since Alessia arrived in France. She wrote the Hamiltons every week, asking how they were, how Frances was doing and so on. It hurt her to be so far away from her daughter, but this was the only way she could try to move on, because being reminded of her dead husband every day hurt far more than this. Slowly but surely she managed to move on.

Lafayette let her stay with him and his family, which she was thankful for. She got along great with his wife Adrienne, their son Georges and their daughters Anastasie and Virginie. The Lafayettes were a great and open family. Alessia had helped them a lot and also helped Lafayette a lot when it came to politics. So of course, saying goodbye to them wasn't easy. She promised them that they'd write as much as possible.

It was late December when Alessia arrived back in America. She hadn't notified the Hamiltons of her arrival, wanting to surprise them. And that surprise worked better than she expected.

As she stood outside of their estate, she could hear happy chattering inside. She knocked on the door, hearing a voice call "I'll get it!" Seconds later the door was opened by Alexander.

"Ally!", he shouted and bolted forward, nearly tackling his sister in a hug, who laughed at his reaction. Alessia wrapped her arms around Alexander tightly, smiling brightly. "Why didn't you tell us you're coming back?", Alexander asked, to which she replied "Surprise?" Alexander laughed at that.

"Alexander, who is it?", she heard Eliza call. Alex let go of Alessia and took her trunk, while Alessia headed inside and called softly "Frances?"

An excited squeal came from the dining room. She heard a chair scraping against the floor and then footsteps as seconds later Frances sprinted around the corner and jumped into her mother's arms, yelling "Mommy!"

Alessia chuckled softly as she heard Frances begin to cry and held her close, rocking back and forth slightly. "It's alright love, mama's back," Alessia softly said, stroking Frances hair. She had gotten even more beautiful over this past year. "I missed you!", Frances sobbed, but Alessia could hear the smile. "I'm back now and guess what? I'm not going to leave anytime soon."

It felt great to be back.


Frances recently turned eight. She was more than delighted when Uncle Alex and Uncle Herc gave her a blue coat of her own as a birthday present. It's been a couple of days since her birthday and she still hasn't taken the coat off. She'd worn it every day until today.

Alessia grinned at that behavior of hers. It was simply adorable. She had a stack of letters in her hands that she wanted to send to France. She left Frances at home with the Hamilton kids and Eliza. Alexander had a lot to do at the moment with his work. And Alessia was caught up with another work against slavery she had planned to publish under her real name soon.

As Alessia walked through the streets, she soon found herself in a crowd of people. It wasn't unusual, but what grabbed her interest was what they were talking about.

"Thomas Jefferson is finally back!" "I've just heard, isn't that great?" "I can't wait to meet him." "I've heard he's even more handsome now than when he left!"

Thomas Jefferson, huh... Alessia shrugged it off, he seemed like a big figure, so maybe she'd meet him soon.

As she walked out of the post office after having given the letters away, she was met by a slightly larger crowd now. After all, it was afternoon, business hours.

Making her way through the crowd, she soon found herself being shoved to the side roughly. She was caught by a pair of strong arms, which pulled her to her feet again. Looking up, she was met by quite a tall guy, maybe a head taller than her. His curly hair was all over the place, which reminded her of John a little. In the mornings, his hair had been everywhere as he pulled it up to a ponytail usually.

"Watch out where you're headin', darlin'," he spoke with quite a southern accent, a sufficient smirk on his lips, his arm still around her waist.

Alessia rolled her eyes and took his hand, gently pushing it off of her. She glanced at his clothes, a vibrant violet, before looking up at him again and replying "You should maybe wear clothes that don't scream something bitch. People might come after you."

"I don't mind you comin' after me," the man retorted smirking even broader, before bowing and taking her hand, kissing the back of it. "Thomas Jefferson, you should know me," he said, to which Alessia raised an eyebrow and replied "Oh should I really? Because other from hearing your name once or twice on the street today, I have no idea who you are."

As Thomas stood straight again, he looked a little offended that Alessia didn't know him. Then he said "Well, then I'd love for us to get to know each other more personally soon."

Alessia scoffed and rolled her eyes "Yeah right. Well, have a nice day, Mr Jefferson." With that she turned around and walked off, ignoring his calls. Snob.

When she arrived home, Alexander stood outside, looking ready to leave. "Where're you off to?", Alessia asked curiously. Alexander looked up and replied "Oh, I'm off to a cabinet meeting with the President and the new Secretary of State. Would you like to join me?"

"Sure, why not?", Alessia shrugged and smiled.

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