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"I love you, Mr Laurens," Alessia whispered as soon as they broke apart.

"I love you, too, Mrs Laurens."

"How is it to be away from your wife already?", John teased Alexander as they made their way to the canteen for breakfast. Hercules behind them let out a whine and Lafayette laughed loudly.

Alexander rolled his eyes and shoved John slightly "C'mon man! Gimme a break!"

John laughed along with Lafayette and Hercules, Alexander joining in shortly after. They arrived to their usual table after grabbing their food and sat down. They were talking and laughing along each other as they are, until an errand boy came in and yelled "Field post!"

Names were called, people got up to grab their mail and John nearly jumped in joy when his name was called. Quickly he got to his feet and headed over to grab his mail, before he sat back down. He was more than delighted to see Alessias familiar handwriting on the front of the envelope.

"Ooooh he finally got what he wanted!", Lafayette said with a smirk. "Open up!", Alexander said, grinning at john, who laughed and replied "Since when are you interested in what your sister writes?"

"Oh I already know what she wrote you, I got my mail earlier than a certain someone, you see," Alexander stuck his tongue out like a little child, playing the bonus of his last name coming long before Laurens in the list.

John in return now frowned at his best friend who only wiggled with his eyebrows. He shook his head slightly before he turned his attention to the letter of his wife.

January 7th 1781

My dearest and most beloved John,

I hope you're okay. I myself have been great, as I've been blessed with the greatest of news. But I'll save that for later.

I apologize that I have not been able to write earlier to you, my love, I do hope you can accept my apology, as I've become quite busy with writing against slavery.

Someone has criticized my work against the Virginian slavery laws and I cannot let that slide. Out of a earlier collection of twenty-seven essays now have turned a collection of seventy-two. I do admit that I let myself go a little. That's what's kept me busy the past months so I do apologize once more.

I'm still not done, to have that said, as I've not yet made my point clear enough. The person who dared to go against me has clearly guts, but I'll make sure for him to lose that soon.

Anyways, now to the great news I've been blessed with shortly after you departed.

You're going to be a father.

I love you and I apologize once more for not having written earlier.

Your dearest,

A. Laurens

John had to reread the last few passages twice, gaping like a fish at his letter, before he looked up at Alexander with that same shocked expression, Alex only nodding.

John slowly closed his mouth, still staring at the words 'You're going to be a father' with wide eyes, before he began to smile [brighter than the sun] .

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