...To Another Downfall

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Immediately she was tackled by kids who yelled to be the flower kid.

And now, you have three guesses as to who walked in just that moment and was anything but happy about it.

The look of anger and distaste was obvious on Alexanders face as he glared at his sister, unable to believe what was going on. She was engaged. And there was only one option as to who it could be.

The kids were begging to be the flower boys, Angelica held back with Philip and Frances as those three were discussing something else.

The joyous atmosphere was broken by Alexanders cold voice cutting through the room "Alessia, a word." Everyone turned to look at Alexander in the doorway, before he headed towards the stairs to go to his office. Alessia sighed and apologized to the kids, promising that they would talk later, before she quickly got on her way to follow her brother. This was the first proper conversation they'd have in years.

Alessia closed the door behind her after stepping into Alexanders office. She watched as he stood by his desk, hands propped onto the minimal space he had. She stayed where she was, crossing her arms and waiting for her brother to begin.

"How could you?", he finally spoke up, not turning to face her. Alessia scoffed "How could I? Those are the first words you chose to say to me after ignoring me for, like, eight years or so?"

"I'm sorry but someone decided to date my enemy!", Alexander shot back, to which Alessia laughed bitterly "Your enemy? If I'd take your word, the whole world is your enemy!"

"I hate Thomas Jefferson more than anything in this world and you decide to court, nonetheless marry him!"

"Just because I have a connection to him doesn't mean you have to ignore me!", Alessia replied as calm as she could, but her hands balled into fists to stop the shaking.

"I hate that guy with a burning passion and you rub it into my face by sleeping around with him and serving as his mistress," Alexander yelled, finally turning around with such momentum, he wiped half a paper stack off of his desk.

"I love this man and I serve more than being a mistress! I am not you, Alexander! I am not so absorbed into work not be able to spend time with my daughter. I am not too busy with work to spend time with my fiancé. I have a life, Alexander, unlike you."

"You spend time with your daughter? You left your daughter behind with us when she was young! You were the worst mother anyone could have wished for!", Alexander scoffed, his hands gesticulating wildly as he spoke.

"My husband died, Alexander, I was suffering!", Alessia shot back, tears were slowly filling her eyes.

"Oh your husband died how sad," Alexander mimicked, before he shot back "So you're the only one who suffered? Lafayette, Mulligan and I suffered too!"

"Just drop this subject Alexander," Alessia said, her voice close to breaking and the tears even closer to escaping.

"So you'd rather have me return to the subject of how you're just a whore for Jefferson to fuck whenever he wants?", Alexander asked, to which Alessia just turned around, opened the door and slammed it shut loudly as she left. She couldn't take it. She couldn't take him anymore.

"Don't you run away now, I'm not done with you," Alexander said, coming out of his room and following Alessia, who was heading towards the stairs.

"Well sad for you, because I am done with you," Alessia hissed, not turning around to face him. Alexander grabbed her wrist and spun her around, his grip tight. "Let me go," Alessia tried to pull her wrist out of his grip, unsuccessful.

"We're not done talking yet. There will be no wedding. I won't let you officially become Jefferson's whore," Alexander said sternly, which resulted in his face flying to the side as Alessia had slapped him. The second time in her entire life.

"I don't think you know what exactly a whore is, Alexander. Thomas loves me, he loves Frances, he would've gladly let us move in the day Frances openly admitted she liked him. That was seven years ago, Alexander. Over those years Thomas and I learned to love and appreciate each other more than anything. He is more family than you were or ever will be," there was so much poison in her voice when she spat out his name, it hurt him.

But it was his fault. He had gotten too out of hand again. His grip loosened and he whispered "Alessia...I'm-" "Spare me your apologies," Alessia snapped and ripped her hand out of his grip, turning around and rushing down the stairs.

As she entered the living room, she found Eliza telling the kids some story. Their heads turned towards Alessia as they saw her in the doorway.

"Frances, pack a few things you need together. We're getting out of here," Alessia said. She fought hard to keep her voice from breaking as a tear now slid down her cheek, alone.

"Mother?", Frances said softly, confused, but Alessia shook her head and said "Just pack a few important things. We'll get the rest later." That said, she turned around and headed back to the stairs to get a few of her most important things she still had here. Of course, most of her stuff was over at Thomas' place, but she still had things here that she held dear.

On her way to her room, Alexander tried to stop her, but she simply pushed past him and continued on her way. No matter what he said, she simply ignored him.

In a matter of a few minutes, Frances and Alessia had left the Hamilton estate with short goodbyes and got into the carriage that would take them to their new home.

A couple of days later, Alessia found herself back in the Hamilton estate. Frances was with Eliza and the kids outside, while Alessia decided to gather some other things.

Though what she heard from Alexanders office picked her interest.

"You don't even know what you're asking me to confess!"

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