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Lafayette was the first one to notice Alessia. He quickly got to his feet as soon as he noticed the tear stains on her cheek and headed over to her, pulling her into an embrace. Alessia tried but she couldn't hold back the tears once more.

Not with her husband gone forever.

It's been a few weeks ever since Alessia received the message.

She barely slept. Whenever she'd try to close her eyes, she'd be met with various different images of John shot and lying on the cold ground, dying. She couldn't stand it.

In the few weeks, she hadn't once visited her home. She knew she wouldn't get around it, she knew she'd have to go there sooner or later. She couldn't pay the rent for much longer, as she had no income. At least not enough.

She'd already spoken with Eliza and Alexander, both of them immediately agreeing to let her stay with them. Alessia was more than glad that they were okay with it.

Today she'd face her fears. Today she'd go back into the house she once called her home to gather all of her belongings. Frances was playing with Philip as Alessia left the house with her brother, who'd be there as a support for her when they'd arrive. He couldn't possibly leave her alone in this state she was in.

The walk to the Laurens household was silent, neither of the Hamiltons wanting to say a word. As they arrived, Alessia was more than surprised to find the door open. Alexander gave her a look that said 'Stay here', before he went inside first.

Alessia was nervous. Now that she stood outside of her home, she wondered if she could even go inside now. She was scared of the memories. She was scared that she'd break down as soon as she set foot in this house.

"Alessia!", a voice called her from inside, her brother. He sounded like something was wrong. Taking all her courage together, she finally stepped inside, heading to the living room, where she had heard her brother's voice from. "Alex is everything al...", Alessia paused mid-sentence and stood frozen in the doorframe.

There he stood. Messy curls up in a ponytail. A few more freckles on his face than she remembered. Standing with crutches. He was here. He was standing. He was breathing. He was alive.

The man turned his head towards her and a bright smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He made his way around the couch, passing a man who looked quite a lot like him but older and Alexander, heading her way.

Tears were rolling down her cheeks. No. This wasn't true. She had to be dreaming. He had to be an illusion.

"Alessia," his voice was hoarse and it broke her heart. She could see tears shimmering in his eyes as well.

Slowly she raised her hand, it was shaking, as she laid a hand on his cheek. He was real. No illusion. No trick. Reality.


Alessia practically fell into his arms and broke down. She couldn't comprehend this, she couldn't process the fact that John, her husband, the love of her life was alive. The room was silent except for her sobbing and soon it was just her ragged breathing as she calmed down bit by bit.

She pulled away from the embrace after what felt like years to her, looking at John with confusion and relief in her eyes.

John smiled at her, taking her face in his hands and staring into her eyes for a while, saying nothing, until he finally leaned down and pressed his lips to hers lovingly. Alessia melted into the kiss right away, tightening her grip around him. She wouldn't let him go anymore, not now, not anytime soon. She wouldn't let him leave her once more.

When they had to break the kiss to gasp for air, Alessia whispered "I missed you so much." Tears threatened to spill once more. John let out a weak chuckle as he replied "I missed you even more. I was so scared out there. I was so scared for my life. I don't know how but I thank the Gods for giving me another chance to be with you. I thank them for giving me the opportunity to meet our beautiful daughter."

Alessia smiled as she then said "I love you." John smiled and brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear as he replied "I love you, too."

He leaned his forehead against hers and only smiled, never wanting for this moment to end. A cough behind them pulled them back to reality, as John then reluctantly let go of her and stepped aside.

"Alessia, may I introduce you to my father, Henry Laurens. Father, this is my wife, Alessia," John said, nodding towards the man that looked quite like John. Same curly hair, same freckles. There was only one downside. He had been the man who had dared to speak up against her a year ago, who she responded to with her new version of her opinions against the slavery law of Virginia.

"What a pleasure to finally meet you in person," Alessia spoke, a cold tone lacing her voice, which startled John and Alexander a little. Henry though already seemed to have caught on what the reason for the coldness of hers was, as he bowed and said "My deepest apology, Alessia. I was in a wrong state of mind back when I went against your opinion. John cleared my mind with his persuasive skills."

Finally Alexander and John caught on.

"I do hope you've gotten rid of your slave trading habit," Alessia replied, not directly accepting his apology. "Father?", John asked confused. "Your son doesn't know?", Alessia then added "Great parenting on your behalf."

"Listen, son, your wife is right. I was a slave trader, but not for long. After you began talking about how you wanted to get slaves for an all black battalion I began to change my mind. I've gotten rid of those old habits. So please, Alessia, accept my apology," Henry spoke up, sending John an apologizing glance.

The air was thick, John and Alex glancing back and forth between the pen rivals. Finally Alessia said "Alright. I accept your apology. But now, only because I'm not in the mood for a fight."

Henry let out a sigh of relief and smiled softly "My my, you've gotten yourself a stubborn woman, John." "More like she got me," John joked, making all of them laugh. Alessia wrapped her arms around Johns torso and leaned into him. John wrapped an arm around her waist and nuzzled his face into her hair.

After a short while of silence Alessia finally asked "Would you like to meet your daughter?"

"Is that even in question?"

[ I hope you're happy, I couldn't bare with the thought of john gone without meeting his daughter – Lexi ]

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